Injustice: Gods Among Us – New 52 Nightwing


New 52 Nightwing in Injustice: Gods Among Us, the mobile version, is a card and character you can obtain in the game. It was released for the first time on April 24, 2014 along with the multiplayer-enabled update.

Each character has their own special bonus that adds bonuses to your deck while in play. They also have their own unique attacks and requires special support cards to improve their Health, Attack, or Energy consumption. Find more information about the stats of New 52 Nightwing in the game below……..

Character: New 52 Nightwing

Release Date IOS: April 24 2014
Release Date Android: TBA 2014
 Injustice Gods Among Us – New 52 Nightwing
Price: 182,000 Injustice Gods Among Us Power Credit
Bonus: Charged Sticks: Upon tag-in, Nightwing’s Basic attacks deal +100% DAMAGE for 3 seconds.
Attacks* —1 (Requires level 1)—

  • Ground Sparks: Nightwing pummels his target with electrified kali sticks. DRAINS OPPONENT’S POWER

—2 (Requires level 5)—

  • Lone Bird: Nightwing unleashes a sequence of hard-hitting kali stick attacks.

—3 (Requires level 20)—

  • Dark as Night: Motorcycles? Cool. Staves? Cool. Motorcycles and staves? Super cool. Go, Nightwing, go, UNBLOCKABLE.
Support Cards HEALTH: Acrobat – +10% Health for Nightwing characters
ATTACK: Escrima Master – +10% Damage for Nightwing characters
ENERGY: Shadowy Mentor – +10% Energy Regeneration for Nightwing characters
Character Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: 4.0/5 (87 votes cast)

*As you level your attacks, the strength of the attacks will grow. Players are able to level their attacks 10 times before it maxes out.

*Any bonuses from the character affecting another character should affect all cards with the character’s name. It does not matter if it is  Arkham Origins or Insurgency or Normal unless stated.

Damage & Stats

Injustice Gods Among Us – New 52 Nightwing

We are no longer documenting stats and damages due to adjustments to the stats through updates which eventually renders the stats different oppose to previous versions.

 New 52 Nightwing Video

Injustice: Gods Among Us – New 52 Nightwing, 4.0 out of 5 based on 87 ratings
  • mayoouran2

    He could have been a great character but his passive sucks. 3 seconds boosted damage to basic attacks? Really? I would have used him without the passive, but his heavy, now is in slow motion.

  • Sawmya

    New 25 nightwing cool

    • Yousefrahaq

      New 52 is cool

  • Hamros

    His 2nd ability do WAY TOO low damage, his passive sucks I mean make it 5 seconds instead of 3, and his heavy attacks ARE VERYY SLOOOW. I hope they fix this along with the other broken passives (Batman beyond, Zod, Man of steel Zod)

  • Leg of lamb

    go nightwing go

  • Maher Ansari

    when paired with ra’s dagger, power gen increase, and special 1 heal he’s one of THE best brawlers (great tap combo and power drain). other than that i definately like the silver version much better in terms of passive.