Nov 142013

It looks like the developer of Iron Man 3 – The Official Game, Gameloft has updated the game with a brand new look for the icon and some brand new powered-up suits for players to get in the game.

Iron Man 3 Icon Iron Patriot

We’re going to start off with the exciting Tournament prize called Mark 31 Piston where players can get this exclusive special edition armor for their game during the event.

Iron Man 3 Mark 31 - Piston

This suit like the the previous tournament prize suit can only be obtained from the tournament and has no other way to unlock this armor unless you rank within the requirement for obtaining this suit in the tournament.

Mark 15 – Sneaky

Iron Man 3 Mark 15 - Sneaky

Sneaky the Iron Man suit is now in the game for players to get and it’s not a tournament item! You can get this suit directly after the update. However, you need the correct amount of experience to unlock this armor and then the required amount of stark credits to make that purchase.

Mark 24 – Tank

We’re also expecting the Mark 24 – Tank suit but currently there is no information on this suit.

What’s New

Power up with 3 new suits: The Mark 15 Sneaky, Mark 24 Tank, and the exclusive tournament prize, Mark 31 Piston.
New location: Battle beyond the stratosphere in Space!
New power-up: The Credit Overload generates a huge amount of Stark Credits to collect.
Levels now branch out in different directions. Choose your path to victory!
Updated and streamlined user interface and menus. Managing your armor is easier than ever.
Game size has been reduced for faster, easier downloads and to save memory.

This page is about...

  • mark 31 piston
  • iron man 3 piston
  • iron man 3 ios bonus code
  • iron man 3 sneaky
  • mark 15 sneaky
  • ironman piston
  • ironman 3 piston
  • iron man new tournament suit
  • iron man mark 15
  • iron man armor mark 15
  • iron man 3 the official game how to get new armor mark 24 tank
  • iron man 3 the game tank armor
  • iron man 3 sneaky armor
  • mark 31-piston

  One Response to “Iron Man 3: Mark 15 Sneaky, Mark 24 Tank, Mark 31 Piston!”

  1. I haven’t gotten an app update to get these armors or anything so you need to explain this to me!!!! I am angry.

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