The Protosphyraena looked like swordfish or marlins. Jurassic Park Builder players gets to collect one of these rare creatures for your game. Available only for a limited time, the Protosphyraena is a fish you can discover in your game through expeditions in the game.
Expeditions are 9-hour explorations when you tap the icon at the bottom left corner in the Aquatic Park section of the game. When you send your crew onto one of these expeditions, they go out on a voyage to see what they can find in the sea. They will return 9 hours later with what they’ve found and you will have access to the portions you’ve paid for in the game.
There are three options you can choose from:
- Free: Gives you an opportunity at obtaining one of the items found through the expedition (you can purchase the fossil if the team found one).
- 2 Money: Allows you to obtain two of the three items found.
- 5 Money: Allows you to obtain and collect everything that was found by the team during that specific expedition.
How to get Protosphyraena
The Protosphyraena is a limited edition sea creature in the game and that means hes only available for a limited time. Once it expires you can expect this creature to come back at random events be sure to follow us to get the news on when they return.
To obtain the fish simply use the expedition option as stated in the above to look for the fossil for this fish.