Kingdom & Dragons is an action builder game with a RPG elements sold by Gamevil for mobile devices. From the beginning of time, the land of which Avalon stands has been ruled by 12 dragons. Humans and Dragons lived in peace during this time but as time pass, clashes between the two race began and the Humans began slaying dragons. The Dragon era ended.
This sparked the beginning of the human era where humans ruled the world. After centuries of prosperity and peace, monsters started appearing and claiming the world. Now the kingdom of Avalon is the last standing kingdom where humans are rebuilding to re-claim their world. Will they succeed or fail? Join their battle in Kingdom & Dragons.
App Name: Kingdom & Dragons
Seller: GAMEVIL USA, Inc.
Release Date:
April 25 2013
April 25 2013
Genre: Builder/Battle/RPG
Gameteep Rating: 3/5
Gamer Rating
Kingdom & Dragons Gameplay
The gameplay of Kingdom & Dragons is similar to a village building game except it’s based on a kingdom being attacked by monsters. In the game you’ll be focused on rebuilding the kingdom as well as journeying through stages of the game where you’ll enter battles with monsters to reclaim the land.
In the game you’ll be tapping on building buttons to build farms, buildings, and other restructuring buildings in the game. These buildings generate coins and supply like most builder games and will help you throughout the game.
Battle System
There is a general battle system in the game which is similar to action-RPGs. There are tons of active skill and passive skills to build your character with but don’t expect a full-fledge RPG battle system. Some of the battles may seem unnecessary and is just there.
The difficulty of the battle system is also up for debate. Players beginning the game will notice the difficulty of the bosses and the difficulty increases over time.
Templar (Alan) – Young Templar who is an expert swordsman. Advantageous in close range fighting against multiple enemies.
Bowmaster (Robin) (80 Crystal) – Highly trained recon soldier with long range arrow attack and survival skills. Safely attacks from distance.
Rose (Enchantress) (120) – Valedictorian of the Mage Academy. Strikes with powerful magic attack but is weak in DEF.
Internet Requirement
Being a village builder game, Kingdom & Dragons require the use of the internet. Although the focus is probably not there too much but that is the reason why this game requires the internet.
Kingdom & Dragons Graphics
The graphics of the game takes the route of similar RPG games from Gamevil. There’s a sense of cartoony characters combines with vibrant colors and highly detailed artwork.
Kingdom & Dragons Sounds
There are set soundtracks and sound effects to go with it but the loading time makes the sound terrible as it’s not fluid.
Kingdom & Dragons Round-up
Being a builder game for mobile players to build their own kingdom this game lacks one of the fundamental requirements. That is performance and speed. There is absolutely no reason for the game to take so long when building or collecting coins from your village.
Some players argue that this game should not require internet connection. That is true, and because of the internet connection it makes to the server it causes a lag each time they do. This lag is terrible even if it is for 5 seconds. Major Builder games have made this flawless without the “connecting” loading symbol ever popping up on the player.
Gamevil is relatively new to the village building genre, and have taken steps to incorporate their RPG centric division into village building games. Hopefully the game improves over time and they improve on the performance in this title
Kingdom & Dragons does have good points in terms of gameplay. The battle system is there and feels like a fresh idea but needs tweaking. The story behind the game Is absolutely compelling, however, will the actions required in the game overshadow the story of the game? Well, that’ll have to depend on the player but definitely a plus with the story.
Kingdom & Dragons Screenshots
Overview of Rating
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