A cute panda looking dog, a pink poodle, and how about a style-ish fancy looking chihuahua? I’m sure this new Littlest Pet Shop game will have it all on your mobile device. The game is inspired from the Pet toys by Hasbro Company. It is developed and published by Electronic Arts and now you can play it on your mobile device!
The game is popular among younger kids especially girls. They love to dress up their cute big eyed pets including kittens, dogs, horses and maybe even birds. Littlest Pet Shop is all about pets, buying them, dressing them and taking care of them. The objective of this game is to unlock and collect every adorable pet in the game.
App Name: Littlest Pet Shop
Seller: Gameloft
Release Date:
November 20 2012
November 20 2012
Genre: Builder/Pet Collecting
Gameteep Rating: 4.5/5
Gamer Rating
Littlest Pet Shop Gameplay
The gameplay is very simple and easy because there’s a great tutorial and building your own city of pets isn’t that hard either. Like all builder games, it takes on the same approach but in a left to right sliding motion.
There are a number of things you can buy from the shop to decorate your game. If you’re wondering what’s available then here’s a list.
House – Houses are basically homes for your pets.
Pets – Needless to say these are the collectibles in your game. They can range from cats, dogs, horses, and so on. The developers have noted that there are over 150 Pets to collect! 30 of which are unique and the others have the same breed but different colors.
Fun Houses – Places for your pets to play.
Play Areas – Essentially decorations
Locations – Background wallpaper
As you can see, the game has all the things for any caretaker to take care of their pets. You can even wash them, blow dry them, and play with them. There are just so many things that make up the gameplay for Littlest Pet Shop that most people will enjoy playing and taking care of their pet(s).
Littlest Pet Shop Graphics
The graphics are cute and adorable. They simply are excellent. The colors are rich and beautiful that it will be hard for players to deny it’s another well developed game for female players.
Littlest Pet Shop Sounds
All the sound effects are in place and there’s also a subtle soundtrack. One of the things that was a disappointment was that there wasn’t enough voice acting in the game to read out all the majority of the text like My Little Pony.
Littlest Pet Shop Round-up
The game is adorable and will most likely capture the female audience. For male players, they probably won’t be interested in this game unless they really like collecting pets and dogs. Even that, the candy-crane style coloring of pink and other vibrant colors make it hard to deny their target is the female audience, thus making it hard for males to play.
All in all, the game is well developed and well targeted. Everything feels like a high quality game and will most certainly make players adore the game. This is especially if you like games like Nintendog and like collecting and building your own city of pets.
Bottom line: Adorable game for all female players.
Littlest Pet Shop Screenshots
Overview of Rating
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