The Sphyrna Mermaid is made her way into your Mermaid World realms. This mermaid is the Star Guard of the Wyld World Sirens in the game and is available to call for in your game. However, don’t wait too long because this Sphyrna Mermaid is only available for 3 days! That’s right after 3 days this mermaid will leave your realm and continue her journey with the Wyld World Sirens in the world of Mermaids.
Description for this mermaid writes: Star Guard for the Wyld World Sirens, Sphyrma is never Blue! She loves to be showered with Lotus flowers after winning a big game!
As you can see from the description that the developers have hinted what mermaids you need to use to get the Sphyrna mermaid in the game. One of the hint is about the Lotus mermaid while the second hint is about a Blue mermaid, this mermaid can be the Blue Nova or the Blue Belle mermaid. We have tested the combination to obtaining the Sphyrna mermaid and you can find more information here.
We recommend that all mermaid world players try their luck at getting this mermaid as soon as possible because this mermaid will be done in a very short amount of time! Good luck singing and calling for this Sphyrna mermaid in your game!
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- mermaid world how to get sphyrna
I got this mermaid on the third try by using BlueBelle and Lotus. Good luck!
I got her on first try
It took me millions of try’s
My mermaids singing will take 12 hours so I’m confident I will get her but with another 12 hours to arrive and one day left will I still get her? Like as long as she’s arriving does that ensure I will get her if the 1 day time limit expires?
I got it on my first try with a gilded lotus mermaid and a blue belle
it took one long day 12 hours to sing it and 12 hours to arrive…
I got it on my first try, with a guilded lotus and a blue bell
It took one long day 12h to sing it and 12h to arrive