The folks at Telltale Games have released the fifth episode of their epic game, Minecraft Story Mode, dubbed Episode 5: Order Up. Available for Download, Episode 5 is supposedly the last Episode of the game or is it? In the last episode, Episode 4, we defended the world from the Whitherstorm which tried to destroy the world. After defeating the enemy, Jesse and his team became the New Order of the Stone to the world and it seemed like there was going to be a complete ending to the series except there was Episode 5 that had not been released. Episode 5 is now available for players that have purchased the Season Pass to download, if you have not purchased the episode, you can always buy it now and play Episode 5.
Warning this section contains spoilers.
When Minecraft Story Mode was written, it was intended for 5 complete Episodes. Most players can see this from the original description, and the number of Episodes found on the Playstation 4 Disc and the original game itself. Episode 4 was the end of the battle with the Whitherstorm and basically the complete ending to the first story. Many players wondered what the fifth episode would be, a side quest? A small continuation of the story after the event with the Whitherstorm? After the release of the fifth episode, it showed Telltale games had more in store for us than anticipated.
The release of Episode 5 for Minecraft Story Mode not only brought Episode 5, but also information on more episodes coming soon to the game. The game will have a total of 8 Episodes, which means there will be 3 more Episodes to be released throughout the year for Minecraft Story Mode. Check out our full playthrough below.
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