Aug 192012

Monster Story, the breeding app by Team Lava is yet another great building/breeding game for mobile player’s app library. Monster Story plays extremely similar to Dragon Story, which is another building/breeding game from the same developers. We have a review for Dragon Story here.

Monster Story Upper Screen

 Gameteep 4.5 star rating

monster story icon

App Name: Monster Story
Seller: TeamLava

Genre: Breeding/Builder
Gameteep Rating: 4.5/5


iOS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 3.0 or later

Android: 2.1 and up

Rated Version: 1.0
Rated Device
iOS: iPhone 4S, iPad
Android: Google Nexus 7

Monster Story Gameplay

The gameplay in Monster Story is very similar to other breeding games, especially in comparison to Dragon Story. In Monster Story, however the symbols and elements representing the monsters are more apparent compared to Dragon Story.

Players beginning the game will quickly understand that “Red” element is “Fire”. Players then can easily build habitats that allows them to place their elemental beasts. That’s right, habitats are available in Monster Story, as well as decorations. Perhaps the most important thing to these games isn’t the buildings or decorations yet the collectible beasts that players can breed or purchase in their own unique islands.

In short, there are a lot of monsters to breed.

Monster Story Graphics

Team Lava really understands their players in this aspect. They know what works and what doesn’t. The graphics in Monster Story are similar yet different compared to many apps with the exception of Dragon Story, which is also their creation.

When you first begin the game you will see a very colorful screen that you will simply adore. The detail and design on each form of the monsters in Monster Story are also one of the best illustration we’ve seen.

Many of the monsters in Monster Story feel as if it was designed with much care. Players beginning the game can tell that the monsters actually looks like each monster was crafted with tail down to the tail of the monster (if they have a tail). In this Monster Story app game, you will get 4 entire evolution level from a Baby Monster all the way to an Epic level Monster. That’s 1 more evolution compared to any other breeding app game in the store today (August 2012).

Monster Story Sounds

The sounds in Monster Story are very similar to Dragon Story. The coins, monster feed effects, evolution all feel polished and runs flawlessly (Except the sound, where maybe the Android version may be a bite behind. Even on the Google Nexus 7. For this version but updates will surely improve it).

Monster Story Round-up

Monster Story is an amazing new addition to the lines of breeding/building games from TeamLava. We’re impressed with Monster Story and how well its developed. The in-game prices are reasonable for starters beginning the game, however early Dragon Story players may not find this game appealing due to prices and other constraints.

Regardless, as long as the price stays as is, its definitely a awesome app game to pick up for your mobile device. The breeding times are reasonable, the monsters are well designed, and there is a huge social features for players. On top of that you get to mix up to 5 elements, the other one being ultra rare.

Bottom line: Great Designs, compelling artwork, and competitive gameplay. Simply one of the best monster breeding builder apps on both Android and Apple devices.

*About Gameteep Network ratings: Please note that due to the nature of app games, we may update ratings according to the update for some games. 

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  One Response to “Monster Story Review”

  1. can’t level up pumpkin head on monster story need help

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