Oct 232012

My First Dog. is marvalous game that is similar to the popular Nintendo DS game, Nintendogs. The game is a real-time pet simulation game that allows mobile owners to own their very own virtual dog in the palm of their mobile device. It was released on Oct. 10 2012 to Apple iOS players by seller PLAY BEAN CO,.LTD and features quite an adorable gameplay for collectors that love collecting various pets.

My First Dog upperscreen

Gameteep 4.5 star rating

My First Dog. icon

App Name: My First Dog.

Release Date: Oct 10, 2012

Genre: Simulation
Gameteep Rating: 4.5/5

iOS: Compatible with iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation), iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad (3rd generation) and iPad Wi-Fi + 4G. Requires iOS 4.3 or later.

Rated Version
iOS: 1.0.0

Rated Device
iOS: The new iPad

App Download

iOS: iTunes


My First Dog. Gameplay

My First Dog. uses the same concept as any other virtual pet game using your touchscreen device to interact with your pet dogs. The touchscreen will allow players to call their dog, pet them, feed them, as well as customizing him/her through accessories.

The main concept of this type of game is to simulate the idea of owning your own dog on your mobile device. If you’re a player that is looking for a story, start to end, or action-packed games then you’ll probably have difficulty understanding this game. However, if you are a collector (dog collection), and always wanted to own a handful of dogs without actually taking the responsibility into real life then this game is perfect.

In the game, you’ll be able to customize your dog as you would in real life by purchasing clothes, accessories, and other neat things to make your dog shine. The neatest thing is you’ll also get to play with your dog while you go on walks with him or throw him a Frisbee or ball in the park. After a long tiring day, you’ll also have to feed your dog and do everything you’d do with your real dog so it’s definitely a good experience for animal lovers.

My First Dog. Graphics

The graphics in “My First Dog.” is surprising good. Looking back at the NDS (a pure gaming console), and this iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad game makes you wonder if these devices have become the next generation of portable gaming. Let’s not get off topic here, but the graphics in the game is extremely good.

It makes any player feel as if the dog was real. The fine detail in its fur, and artistic flare in the designs in the surroundings makes it a top of the line game in quality.

My First Dog. Sounds

It’s not a game for extraordinary music but the sound effects are there.

My First Dog. Round-up

Virtual pet simulation games are among one of the most popular games on portable gaming systems and this game is off to a great start for pet lovers. Nothing is neater than owning your own dog in the palm of your hands. The best thing is that it simulates many traits of a real dog without having to deal with the headaches of one.

Some players have written that the in-game currency is extremely expensive for a simulated pet game but you can determine that.

One of the things that have held the game back is that not all of the features are complete. We generally like seeing a finished product with all the buttons functioning. However, they have replaced them with a message saying “Coming Soon”.

Bottom line: The best pet simulation app on mobile devices till date.

My First Dog. Screenshots

My first dog screenshot 1My first dog screenshot 2My first dog screenshot 3My first dog screenshot 4My first dog screenshot 5My first dog screenshot 6My first dog screenshot 7My first dog screenshot 8My first dog screenshot 9My first dog screenshot 10My first dog screenshot 11My first dog screenshot 12My first dog screenshot 13

Review Rating
  • Your very own collection of Dogs
  • Adorable Dogs!
  • Customization
  • Graphics
  •  Premium currency
    • Lindsay

      Bonjour j’ai un ipad et j’ai donc installé la version gratuite mes quand je l’allume je doit choisir une catégorie avec Facebook et deux autre chose pour pouvoir demarer les jeu mes rien ne marche comment je pe fair svp

  • T Mackie

    I can’t get my dog to leave the bathroom after her bath in the game My First Dog!

    • Andrix

      It is because tou have to keep washing ang rinsing until there is mo more grey foam!!

      • T. Mackie

        Thanks Andrix. I have wasted a lot of coins.

    • Izzy

      You must have accesories to wear mine has bunny ears

  • Mar

    How do you increase charm?? Mine is always really bad

  • Emily

    How do you increase charm? And how do you teach it tricks?

  • Izzy

    :( I heard you can breed? I was really enjoying this app until I found that your dog dies…. ;( I was horrified…. I don’t feel happy. I’m a bit frightened..

  • Jade

    My game on my messages and neighbours, and all my competitions say ‘coming soon’ I’ve played for ages now but it still says that, how do I change it?

  • MissEllada

    Here you can see how tricks work:



    You can increase charm to normal when you go walking with your dog, clean, stork and feed him and give him water.

    PS: It’s a great game but some updates are required! ;)

  • MissEllada

    You can do tricks better when your affection is higher! The level doesn’t matter!

  • Loulou24

    How do u find and get to the flower garden. Loads of people when I go on my walk have been telling me to go there and get a golden egg but I don’t know where it is. Please help. Anyone with an awnser please reply.

  • Felicia

    First of all, to wash your dog proparly, you have to keep using the sponge which creates bubbles. Do this until an arrow points towards the water symbol. Then use water to wash away all the bubbles, when they’re all gone, you will automatically go back to the livingroom. As for the flower gardens, I think they are the small pieces of grass along the sides of the road, where your dog sometimes dig up a gift for you :) I haven’t found a golden egg yet, bit I think they meant just valueable things, and that I have found!

    Now, my questions are: does your dog ever grow up, and does it change appearance then? And my final question, is it possible to breed your dogs?! Do you breed the ones you own together, or can you breed one of your dogs with some one elses? :)

  • Katielou2206

    Why can’t I buy more than 2 dogs?. And can you breed? If so how?

    • Smile

      In the begging it says that the max is only 2 dogs.

      • Kate

        How do you breed you dog?

      • Kate

        How do you breed you dog I really want puppies

  • Smile

    How do you increase the charm?

  • Danielle Sinnott

    We got this app yesterday and my son loves it but will not let me connect to buy food or water from the shop although my Internet connection is perfect and it will connect to store to buy another dog ,if this won’t connect my dog is sure to die and is obviouslly a fault of the game can u correct this?

  • Vicky

    That sometimes happens. Try going to another location with internet service.

  • 5556

    How do u get gold coins? I want a Yorkshire terrier but I don’t have enough gold coins for one

    • Dnxmx

      You can get gold coins sometimes when you level up hope that s

  • Helana

    I’ve been playing for ages and it says that dog is not able to breed. Can they breed? Or do you have to wait for the update

    • Helana

      Please help I really want to breed

  • Amber

    Mine is stuck on level 99.

    • Mimahesh

      Mine also and my money will finish soon wont be able to buy food and water

      • Amy

        Mine is stuck on 99 as well! Is this something that has to wait until the updates?

    • Sezza

      Same!! Level 99- I think it’s as far as it goes

  • Vicki

    Please, help me! How do I breed my dog?

  • kjparky

    I am also stuck at level 99, is that as far as it goes?????

  • Riley

    Please, can anyone tell me how to increase my dog’s affection? It’s just stuck at 7.

    • Indie

      Just pet the dog until it sparkles and feed it to increase affection.

  • Ioana

    Why nobody answer at te question: how i can breed my dog!!! We really want this!! Is the most beautiful thing… ANSWER!!!!!!

  • Ioana

    Why nobody answer at te question: how i can breed my dog!!! We really want this!! Is the most beautiful thing… ANSWER….please

  • Ashleigh

    SOMEONE ANSWER US WE WANT TO BREED BUT WE CAN’T HOW DO YOU BREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????

  • jacqueline

    Where is the flower garden?

  • sara04

    eeee i have my first dog but tehe its not rely my forst dug :/

  • Lisa

    Ew loana you’re so pervert! Maybe your dog is a puppy!

    • Jasmine

      That doesnt mean thats shes a perv… She just wants to know how to breed..

  • Lally

    I am Level 99 but since i have reached it,i can Not earn any points anymore. Even if I do “Contest” , “Walk” , “Bath” , “dry Food”, “water” and so on. I still get Money for contest or selling items, And i loose Money if i buy something.
    I have the Problem since 3 days and tried to reconnect. But the Problem is the Same. No points so i can Not reache a higher Level.
    Could somebody help me?

    • Jasmine

      The game stops at level nine :( They really need to update it.

      • Jasmine

        Oops i meant level 99 sorry

  • Mimi

    This game really needs updates like a way to earn alot more coins. How do you know when you can breed? Can you breed with the dogs you see on walks?

  • Dog gal

    OMG HOW DO U BREED answer peoples please

  • Jasmine

    Its a really good game but the problem is they need to add more stuff. It keeps saying “coming soon” And add more levels. It stops at 99… I would delete the game.. I have played for ages and it still says “Coming soon” -.-

  • Dennis

    How do I go from day one to day two cause I been in day one for 3 days now :( please help

  • Dennis

    Never mind my other question is how do I get my puppy to rest ? Can he sleep ? If so how do you do that ? Please I need an answer

  • summer

    So i have a few questions. First: is affection the same as the intimacy level? If not hiw can i increase intimacy and where do i find it?
    Next question: i logged in with a guest account and now i wantet to change to regular account. I logged in with facebook but it always just says “please wait”. I waited about 20 minutes and it still didn’t change anything! Internet connection is ok. I checked it. I’m really annoyed at the moment. -.-‘

  • manon400

    1. how to reproduce person answers the question!!
    2. I can not do tricks (eg!!! raise paw, lie down, roll over)
    it is the problem of the level??
    3. What is the purple parts, how to get them and what are they??
    4. why they always put coming soon for mail and neighbors??!
    thank you to answer me so I can have more fun in the game ….

  • Leslie

    How can you breed dogs, and earn the “purple paws?” I am DYING to know those questions. I would like an answer ASAP.

  • blondie31512

    When will I be able to breed my dog ?
    Do I have to be on a certain level?

  • Lally

    How can I breed? I have a female dog (119 days old,french Bulldog) and a Male dog ( 54 days old, Beagle). So normally it should work. But in the list i allways see “breed: Not able”
    So what do i have to do?

    • Hannah

      U have to have two dogs, male and female, OF THE SAME BREED to have puppies. I think.

  • Lally

    How can I breed? I have a female dog (119 days old,french Bulldog) and a Male dog ( 54 days old, Beagle). So normally it should work. But in the list i allways see “breed: Not able”
    So what do i have to do?

    Read more: http://gameteep.net/my-first-dog/#ixzz2jEzEk8gE

  • Angela

    I can’t level up anymore, and I’m only on level 7. It’s halfway and when I feed him, walk him, pet him, bathe him, the number just won’t budge. Even after competitions. I even tried reconnecting to my wifi and logging in into Facebook instead of guest. What’s happening.

  • Lally

    Well…now I can not Log in anymore…because there would be no Connection to WiFi or 3G… What is wrong with that Game? Remeber, I am Level 99 with 2 dogs…Don’t understand why there are these Problems :-/

    • Michelle

      Hello Lilly

      You need to remove the game and then you need to set it back and login with facebook

      Gr michelle

  • Michelle

    Hello my dog ​​in the app my first dog has always healt bath at how I getting that changed?

    Gr michelle

  • Jennifer

    Okk so i have the my first dog app n it has 347 affection n i can do all the trick in competition an at the house the only one my dog wont do at the house is paw but she does in competition…how can i train her to do tht? An then in challenges tab it says learn a new trick how do i complete tht challenge!?? Can somebody please help

  • Dom

    How do I earn energy points

  • Adriana

    I’ve got a problem actually I’ve very good connection but it can’t connect to Buy Items or going for a walk

  • Help fool

    My dog’s health thing says “sick” how do I fix it and make it healthier? Please help!!!

  • aischell alcala

    no lo puedo jugar alguien por favor mandenme la solicitud

  • Indie

    I have had the game for three days and it still won’t let me go out or give baths even though my energy is at one hundred. The button for both is grey. Someone please help.

  • Holy crap

    I was petting my dog when suddenly it starts spazzing out and giving me grins like it was going to kill me. Then the affection went down. What was that?????

  • Holy crap

    And for breeding your dog. Your dog has to grow up and you can breed with your own dogs and maybe on the I walks… You need two different dogs. Good Luck!

  • Cheyenne

    Can I make my puppy into adult??

  • Elenaki Xagi

    i m going to login and it says that i dont have internet but i have full internet connection…plizz help me …also how do you create a game account???