My Muppets Show is back with another limited edition muppet that is available for a limited time in the game. Only available in the Kitchen section of the game, Lew Zealand is the name of this muppet and he is known as a real “Sole-Man”. This special edition muppet is available until December 2, and will be removed from the market like all other limited edition muppets so be sure to use Harv-E to talent search for this muppet in the game.
Lew Zealand Description and Information
Available Until December 2
Dressing Rooms Required 3
Harv-E Success Rate: Low
Lew Zealand throws a boomerang fish. What is a boomerang fish? We’ll let Lew explain: “I throw the fish away… and it comes back to m e”. And that’s all there is to Lew and his act. And yet he remains a mainstay of every Muppet performance musical and otherwise. He plays scales pretty well, too. Fish scales that is.
How to Get Lew Zealand Combination
We have unlocked the official combination from the developers, so rest assured that the combination works and you will be able to get this muppet if you are lucky enough to get it. The muppet is known to have a Low Rarity which means it will be difficult to obtain even with the right combination.
To get this muppet, the official combination is using Rizzo and the Kermit muppet, that is the Rizzo and Kermit muppet, the talent search time should be about 12 hours. Remember this muppet is only available in the Kitchen section of the game.
What is combo for Lew..
Nvm… Got it