Dec 062012

It looks like My Singing Monsters is celebrating Christmas with a brand new limited edition monster called the Yool Monster for singing players!

My Singing Monsters Yool Monster

We had a chance to look over the monster yesterday and it’s a pretty unique looking. It looks like a Santa Reindeer where it looks human like but also monster-like. At any rate, the monster appears to be a combination of Mammott (head) design with Reindeer feet and Antlers. It wears a green shirt and underneath that shirt is a sweater that has red and white stripes.

The Yool Monster is only here until December 26th so please begin breeding for one immediately to ensure yourself a Yool Monster for your Singing Mountaintop. Once you have successfully obtained one the monster will be in your game forever so don’t worry about it disappearing. However, if you don’t have one then it will be removed from the market on December 26.

Few notes about breeding

Please keep in mind that the monster selected on the left or right does not matter. The level of your monsters will also not increase or decrease your breeding chances.

The number of bed for this monster is 1 bed just like the Halloween monster

We’ll keep you updated as we unveil any breeding secrets for this Yool Monster. However, it only cost 150 diamonds so it can be easily purchased from the market.

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  • yool my singing monster

  One Response to “My Singing Monsters: Yool Monster released for Christmas!”

  1. When u guys find the breeding wat is the breeding time?

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