My Singing Monsters: Rare Grumpyre Monster


The Rare Grumpyre Monster in My Singing Monsters is the rare version of the original monster. It has many of the same qualities as the original one with different designs.

“Species: Rare Grumpyre
Beds: 5

How does this monster remain airborne with so many holes in its wings? Are those perforations the results of repeated run-ins with its own head spikes? Many questions swirl about this volitant being and the rare Grumpyre finds its all very amusing. Or does it? Like the common variety, this monster’s mood is difficult to interpret given its furrowed brow and fierce snarl. Oh, well shadow is as shadow does.


– My Singing Monsters: Rare Grumpyre Monster Biography

My Singing Monsters Rare Grumpyre Monster

Special Edition

Release Date:
August 5 2016

Egg Design:

My Singing Monsters Grumpyre Monster egg

Rare Grumpyre

Rhythm Type:


Ultra Rare

Breeding Time:  

46 Hours

Beds Required: 5

Buying Price:

1,500 diamonds

Selling Price:
750,000My Singing Monsters - Coins

User Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.7/5 (1 vote cast)

 My Singing Monsters: Rare Grumpyre Monster Key Features

  • Special-type Monster
  • Rare Grumpyre  monster
  • 46 hours  breeding time.
  • Cold Island & Etereal

My Singing Monsters: Rare Grumpyre Monster breeding guide

You must first obtain the breeding structure at level 7 to be able to breed for this Rare Grumpyre Monster. Without the breeding structure, you can also purchase this monster for diamonds.


There is a 1% chance to get the Rare Grumpyre Monster and exactly 4 combinations. Combinations not tested!

  • Deedge Monster + Spunge Monster
  • Deedge Monster + Bogart Monster
  • Deedge Monster + Congle Monster
  • Deedge Monster + Thumpies Monste

Keep in mind that breeding the monsters left or right does not matter. And that if you are not getting the monsters then you must continue trying until your game gives you the correct breeding time. Breeding is ultimately up to chance and you may get multiple monsters depending on their rarity.

My Singing Monsters: Rare Grumpyre Monster Evolution Guide

As we know it, there’s no physical evolution in the monsters for My Singing Monsters. Your income rate will increase along with your max income capacity.

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