My Singing Monsters: Rare Thumpies Monster


The Rare Thumpies Monster in My Singing Monsters is a hybrid element monster in My Singing Monster. It can only be obtained when you have purchase the Cold Island and have unlocked the Tweedle Monster in your My Singing Monsters market place. Keep in mind it appears that this monster can only be obtained on the Cold Island and Earth. It looks like mushroom drums.

“While these varieties of Thumpies can be found in some abundance in their home dimension, they very rarely cross over into the monster world. The more familiar furface and noobie subspecies are instead replaced by rawt and reecess, but all share a love for music and mischief! “ - My Singing Monsters: Rare Thumpies Monster Biography

 My Singing Monsters - Air ElementMy Singing Monsters - Plant ElementMy Singing Monsters - Cold Element

My Singing Monsters Rare Thumpies Monster

Release Date:
October 17 2014

Egg Design:
My Singing Monsters Thumpies Monster Egg

Rare Thumpies

Rhythm Type:


Breeding Time:
15 hours 30 Minutes

Beds Required:

Buying Price:
65My Singing Monsters - Diamonds

Selling Price:
My Singing Monsters - Coins

Level Requirement:  LIMITED TIME OFFER

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 3.6/5 (4 votes cast)

 My Singing Monsters: Rare Thumpies Monster Key Features

  • Two jumping monsters Design
  • mushroom drums.
  • Features Air, Plant, and Cold elements

My Singing Monsters: Rare Thumpies Monster breeding guide

The Rare Thumpies Monster is a hybrid monster that requires two different elements to breed for. You must first obtain the breeding structure at level 7 to be able to breed for this Rare Thumpies Monster. Without the breeding structure, you can also purchase this monster for diamonds.

To breed for the Rare Thumpies Monster you must use the elements of Air and the elements of Plant to get the Rare Thumpies Monster. The recommended combinations for breeding this monster is using the Tweedle Monster  and the Furcorn Monster or any combination with Air, Plant and Cold in the breeding combination!

Keep in mind that breeding the monsters left or right does not matter. And that if you are not getting the monsters then you must continue trying until your game gives you the correct breeding time. Breeding is ultimately up to chance and you may get multiple monsters depending on their rarity.

My Singing Monsters: Rare Thumpies Monster Evolution Guide

As we know it, there’s no physical evolution in the monsters for My Singing Monsters. Your income rate will increase along with your max income capacity.

My Singing Monsters: Rare Thumpies Monster Earnings [Per Minute]

Level Earnings
Level 1 7 Level 6  34
Level 2  11 Level 7  39
Level 3  17 Level 8  45
Level 4  22 Level 9  50
Level 5  28 Level 10  56

Max income rate per level

Level Max Earning
Max Earnings
Level 1 2,856 Level 6  13,709
Level 2  4,570 Level 7  15,994
Level 3  6,854 Level 8  18,278
Level 4  9,139 Level 9  20,563
Level 5  11,424 Level 10  22,848

My Singing Monsters: Rare Thumpies Monster Food Chart

Feeding food to your monsters in My Singing Monsters will allow your monsters to increase their max coins and increase the income rate they are earning.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1  5 Level 6  160
Level 2  10 Level 7  320
Level 3  20 Level 8  640
Level 4  40 Level 9  1280
Level 5  80 Level 10  2560

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