Mar 142013

Pocket Fishdom is a tank breeding game by Playrix for mobile devices. It features over 50 different fishes you can obtain in your tank through purchases or breeding the fish using multiple other fishes in the game.

Pocket Fishdom Review Screen

 Gameteep Rating: 4 Stars

Pocket Fishdom icon

App Name: Pocket Fishdom
Seller: Playrix LLC

Release Date:
Mar 07, 2013Apple iOS

Genre: Breeding
Gameteep Rating: 4/5

Platform: Apple iOS

Gamer Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 5.0/5 (2 votes cast)

Pocket Fishdom Gameplay

The gameplay of Pocket Fishdom is very similar to Fish with Attitude and Tap Fish. It is like having a Fish with Attitude game and Tap Fish in one for your mobile device. That means the gameplays are very similar and you’ll find similar elements in this game if you’ve played any of the other fish tank breeding or collecting games.

In the game you’ll be able to use multiple fishes to combine and get new fishes. This allows you to get much better fishes and the ultra-rare fishes in the game.

There are over 50 different fishes in the game that allows the player to collect an enormous amount of fishes till their hearts content and you do this through breeding or buying them.

You can also collect Decorations known as Décor and Water plants in the game that helps you develop your tanks.

Gameplay Focus
The focus of the gameplay is mostly on collecting and breeding for various fishes in the game. If you like breeding games then this is definitely a game you want to try out to see if it is an app you want to grow your collection of fishes.

Pocket Fishdom Graphics

The graphics of Pocket Fishdom is similar to Tap Fish oppose to Fish with Attitude. Personally, I think the graphics and design in the game are poorer than Fish with Attitude because generally players like more vibrant colors. However, this is a personal opinion.

The game’s graphics is 3D-like, specifically the fishes and it does stand out from the background when you’re playing the game.

Pocket Fishdom Sounds

There is a tropical soundtrack to the game and it makes you feel like you’re on the beach!

Pocket Fishdom Round-up

Overall, Pocket Fishdom is a breeding focused game for players that like the breeding genre. However, when compared to other major competitor, it may not shine as one would expect from a breeding game.

Personally, I have never been a fan of “cleaning my tanks”. It was one of the factors that turned me away from Tap Fish in the first place. There are also games where you need to pick up “garbage” and “poop” from your fish, that also is a negative in terms of gameplay. Luckily, we only have to deal with cleaning the tanks in Pocket Fishdom.

The graphics in the game are really debatable depending on your taste but some players may find Fish with Attitude to be more vibrant to the eyes of players. While some players may find Pocket Fishdom to have better graphics.

Despite all that, some players will still find satisfaction in the game’s gameplay. Breeding and collecting has always won the hearts of collectors and for those that do fall in love with Pocket Fishdom, you’ll find yourself filled with fishes to collect! Over 50 fishes in fact, at the beginning of the game and surely many more to come as the game develops.

Bottom line: Another alternative fish breeding game for mobile devices

Pocket Fishdom Screenshots

Pocket Fishdom Screenshot 1Pocket Fishdom Screenshot 2Pocket Fishdom Screenshot 3Pocket Fishdom Screenshot 4Pocket Fishdom Screenshot 5Pocket Fishdom Screenshot 6Pocket Fishdom Screenshot 7

Overview of Rating

Review Rating
  •  50+ unique fishes
  • Ability to breed your fishes for new fishes.
  • Good soundtrack
  •  Nothing worth mentioning.
  •   Nothing worth mentioning.

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