Jul 312013

It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen an official update for Skylanders Lost islands, but occasional players would know that they generally streamed their update through the internet. This new update however adds a number of stuff intoy our game including new Companions, New Skylanders (always great), and some new features for your game! We took a while analyzing the update and here’s what we’ve found.

Skylanders Lost Islands icon


Now you can get the Arbo, Beatrees, Cali, Hyde, and Brock into your game. These companions can be obtained by tapping on your ship then reaching the level requirements for obtaining them.


Everyone loves new Skylanders, with a new lot of Skylanders for you to collect including their features for sorting them it’s definitely easier for you to see who you want to collect and who you don’t. Here is a list of the Skylanders that have been added into the game, Molten Hot Dog o Polar Whirlwind o Granite Crusher o Punch Pop Fizz


If you are low on gems then find special hidden gem offers that will help you get more gems in the game. You can also buy Skylander spins with gold now. Added into the update is also a icon menu of all the Skylanders and categorization, making it easier for players to sort out who they have and who they don’t.

What’s New in Version 1.5.0

What’s New in Version 1.5.0

New Companions!
o Arbo – Reduces energy crop harvest times!
o Beatrees – Instantly harvest and plant energy crops with a couple taps!
o Cali – Double gold from all adventures!
o Hyde – Find him once a day for a prize!
o Brock – Spawns wizard trolls which drop better prizes than regular trolls!

New Skylanders!
o Molten Hot Dog
o Polar Whirlwind
o Granite Crusher
o Punch Pop Fizz

New Features!
o Find special hidden gem offers
o Plant “Radiant Crops” for extra energy
o Now buy Skylander spins with gold!
o Decorations now give bonuses when placed next to structures that give XP!

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