Aug 292012

Snoopy’s Street Fair has just updated with version1 .7.0 and is probably one of the best updates yet. The street fair game has just been added with a number of Snoop’s Siblings and you will most certainly love it. His siblings will be rocking on the Bandstand and it is definitely  a must see!

New characters like Bad Call Benny and Molly Volley is now available in the game. You will also get to see a number of new decorations like the Hose and the Toad Stalls while new paths now add an extra dimension to your design making it look pretty cool. There are also two new levels for you to raise your level so you won’t be stuck at the level if you are maxed out.

There is just a ton of update to 1.7.0 before school starts and is definitely great to make your street fair even better while studying. Check the entire list of upgrades and update below.

Snoopys Street Fair Update 1.7.0 icon

What’s New in Version 1.7.0

- Just what you’ve been waiting for: All of Snoopy’s Siblings are here and they’re going to rock your world on the Bandstand!
- New garden characters Bad Call Benny & Molly Volley get into swing!
- Pig Pen’s garden antics give a boost to all your crops!
- Create your own maze with the all new Hedgerow.
- New Path parts add an extra dimension to your landscaping.
- Check out the new trees: Banana, Papaya and Coconut.
- New decorations for your garden including the Hose and the Toad Stalls!
- Bang the Gong and call Charlie Brown over!
- Two new levels for you to rank up in.
- Add the new Bric-a-Brac Stall to your street fair.
- The Oak Tree makes a welcome addition to the arboretum.
- Everybody loves Funnel cake at the fair!
- The Rambling Rose adds a touch of class to your bedding plants.

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