Solara is a free role-playing game/tower building game for Apple devices. It was released by Esper Labs, llc and most recently updated on May 21, 2013. It is rated 9+ for fantasy violence. Solara is a perfect rpg/tower building game in every aspect. With great gameplay, graphics, controls, and music, it is sure to be a hit for gamers of all ages.
App Name: Solara
Release Date:
May 21 2013
Genre: Builder/Tower
Gameteep Rating: 5/5
Gamer Rating
Solara Gameplay
The gameplay of Solara has several aspects to it. The goal of the game is to build up your castle while doing quests on the side to gain experience, heroes, and pass the time. Building your castle consists of adding shops, taverns, weapon crafters, and more. Each time you build a part of the castle it will take some time (sometimes up to an hour) so while you wait you can do quests.
Quests consist of fighting monsters and recruiting heroes in the process. Players do not have to do anything during the battles since they are automated. There is even the option to skip the animation and just find out whether you won or lost.
Players start out with one hero, Rusty the Footman and acquire more as they go along. Players can unlock rangers, mages, healers, and many more characters. Unlocking more heroes is important during the gameplay because as you go through each quest, they get harder and harder and will require combinations of heroes in order to win.
When players are not battling, they can level up their heroes by training them. Each quest and training session will take up energy, which is in the form of food. The shops in the castle will generate food and gold every so often so sometimes you will have to wait for it to replenish. Once players reach level 13, they can battle heroes in the arena to win more gold.
There are over 300 quests to play and endless tower building so the gameplay of Solara will keep gamers entertained for a very long time.
Solara Graphics
The graphics in Solara are excellent, colorful, and make this game fun. They are sharp and visually appealing and are almost like the graphics of a high-end Super Nintendo game.
These graphics give Solara the feel of Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and the Secret of Mana. Retro gamers will appreciate these graphics. The animation in this game is excellent as well, especially in the battle simulations. The musical also accompanies the medieval feel of the graphics.
Solara Sounds
Solara has a very peaceful soundtrack to it’s game. Most of the music feels like something beautiful and nature-like. You can h ear the birds chirping away in the game
Solara Round-up
Overall, Solara is a great game for gamers of all ages, even if it contains mild fantasy violence. There is no blood or gore, just animations of swords going through monsters. Since the battles do not require advanced controls, this might be a good game for younger players.
Older players will also enjoy this game because it requires strategy and coordination. Since Solara is a free app, it is worth a download to see if you will become hooked and keep it in your library.
Bottom line: Amazing indie game to have on your library of games!
Solara Screenshots
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