Nov 182013

When  I see a Star Wars game, I’m always thinking super-action packed fighting with lightsabres and droids. Well maybe not always but at least 90% of the time. I quickly found that Star Wars: Tiny Death Star released on November 7, 2013 was not an action game but a tower building type of game you’ll find on mobile devices.

At first glace, I thought the game will be like Mincraft but it turns out that players have the ability to build a mini tower right on their mobile devices and watch amazing cool story scenes with your favorite Star Wars characters and even collect various “bitizens” into the game

Star Wars Tiny Death Star Review Screen

 Gameteep 5 stars rating
 Star Wars Tiny Death Star icon
 App Name: Star Wars: Tiny Death Star
 Seller: Lucasfilm International Services Inc.
 Release Date:
 Nov 07, 2013Apple iOS
 Nov 07, 2013Android OS
 Genre: Builder
 Gameteep Rating: 5/5
 Platform: Apple iOSAndroid OS
Gamer Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Star Wars: Tiny Death Star Gameplay

Let’s begin with the gameplay of the game, Tiny Death Star plays very similar to Tiny Towers where your task is to build a tower in your game that’ll hold your ever expanding Bitizens in the game.

Much of the gameplay revolves around building the tower within the game so it’s very similar to common builder games that you’ll find in the app market. That means you will find these “wait” time when developing your tower that can take hours or you can fast-forward using premium credits in the game.

What you can build

There are multiple level types like Food, Service, Recreation, Retail, Residential and more.  Each of level have their own design and can be selected to be built when you’ve earned enough coins in the game.


You can collect multiple scenes in the game as you build your fortress, these scenes hold animation from premium characters that you’ll probably be familiar with and you can collect them right on your mobile device.

Star Wars: Tiny Death Star Graphics

Okay so the graphics may not be the best, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, most of the builder games have a life of their own outside of the “premium graphics” that we see today on mobile devices. Some times it might even make the game more difficult to play so the graphics are just fine for the tower building game.

Star Wars: Tiny Death Star Sounds

You get the famous Star Wars soundtrack!

Star Wars: Tiny Death Star Round-up

When I started Star Wars: Tiny Death Star, I thought it was going to be a quick play like most mobile games. I was wrong. Tiny Death Star, is a long lasting game that players can build and develop their own tower in. This isn’t going to be a game you can finish in one day, so if you’re wondering that, sorry to disappoint.  Like most builder games, you are building a community where you’ll be developing the tower to indefinitely.

Much of the game revolves around waiting and building so if you’ve tried other building games and enjoyed those then this game is another great game to add into your library of games.

The game got quickly addictive (which was unexpected), I love the Star Wars franchise but like most people, I’m very picky with graphics. When I began the same I wasn’t expecting to be addicted to it just after the tutorial but I was. The game is simple to play and doesn’t require any special understanding that it quickly becomes addictive to develop your tower the best you can. The best part if you get these scenes of your favorite Star Wars villains that are fun to watch.

Bottom line: Really addicting game and must have for Star Wars fans.

Star Wars: Tiny Death Star Gameplay