Suggest an app


We focus on quality at Gameteep. Although we may try to write about the best games or provide the latest strategies to the latest updates, we may miss a few that players love. That’s why we love feedback and suggestions. This section is just dedicated to that, for players that love an app that they haven’t seen on Gameteep.

Gameteep Suggest an App

Suggest to us an app that you find interesting and we’ll take a look at it to see if we can write about it or give you the latest tips on getting the secrets unlocked. You may also submit to us a well written review and have your review published by us! Just drop us an email at [email protected] and we’ll see what we can do for mobile players like you!

  • Brittany

    Could you help me breed an air dragon

    • Kendall

      fire and water

    • Manobroen

      How to get the sandstorm dragon and I love dragonvale for Brittany fire and water but just try it whith them level 10 both of them

    • Holly

      Fish with attitude.

    • uhoh

      the sandbox. not the computer (crappy) one though

    • Hayley

      Could you do Pet Hotel Story (TeamLava) with info, pets, others from the game.

    • Hayley

      We want a Dragon Skies Wiki on Wikia.

    • hoda

      you didn’t add SMURFS VILLAGE??!! OMG you guys better update since smurfs village is my no.1 app so i know allloooooooooot of cheats for it.
      email me:

      [email protected]

    • Karan

      Maybe Battle Bears Royal ;D

    • agge

      We have an ipad that i play dragonvale on but it would be better to play it on my mobile. I have a Samsung galaxy gio and when i try to download it it just says that the app isn’t compatible with my phone. Can you fix that?

    • paula

      I have the same problem with samsung galaxy gio… how do i get dragonvale on this phone??

    • Lily

      Add Campus Life

    • Alex

      Clash of Clans
      Little Empire

    • Slyvia

      how about
      Pocket God

    • facekiwis
