Feb 182012

super ko boxingSuper KO Boxing 2 is an extremely fun punching app that just went free for a limited time. Now you can be in the boxing ring punching your way to victory on your Apple device. Once you entered the ring with the opposing fighter it is very simple to get the hang of of playing this game. The punching buttons are on the right side while the dodge left and dodge right button are on your left. The punching buttons are separated into three components, Punch Left, Punch Right and super. While you punch your enemy, a meter bar will fill up and once it does you can launch your ultimate knock-out attack. But that’s not all! Don’t forget you can also fly in from the right or left after you have dodged! After you have dodged left or right you can immediately punch your opponent using a flying punch if you are quick.

Now for the official release information

super ko boxing-2


READY FOR AN OLD FASHIONED BEATDOWN? As the K.O. Kid, you return to the ring to face the most outrageous face-breaking opponents who’ll use sneaky tactics and dirty distractions to knock you out. To be the champ, figure out each fighter’s tells, avoid their signature moves, and when the time is right unleash a super punch to knock ‘em out!

Go toe-to-toe against a cast of bone-crushing boxers with unique moves and personalities including 15 Cent, Shogun, and Ka-Rak Übones.

Use quick reflexes to dizzy opponents, throw powerful hooks, unleash flaming super punch combos, and land one-two lightning KO’s. To go the distance, you will need to watch out for opponent’s weaknesses and avoid their signature moves.

Box your way through 18 bouts across 3 circuits to become the Champion of the world!

Would you be able to defeat your opponent if you weren’t able to dodge and couldn’t get hit? Face this and 16 other unique challenges that test your skills.

Test your courage to see how many fights you can win without ever getting knocked down against increasingly tougher opponents.

Earn over 65 unique achievements to unlock concept art that includes character sketches, early concepts, and boxers that did not make it into the game

For devices with iOS 4.1 or higher, you can now earn your achievements within Game Center and share those with your friends.

Are you coming unstuck against some of the trickiest bone-crushing contenders in the game? Just purchase a dose of Roid Rage to turn into a monster fighter, with more powerful punches and become almost impossible to take down. Use your Roid Rage whenever you’ve exhausted your natural abilities to take down the toughest opponents!


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