Pokemon Go’ers have found a way to control the evolutions of your Eevees, one of the most highly popular Pokemon in the world. The Eevee, has multiple evolutions but part of the 151 Pokemons of the original series, three of Eevee’s evolution consist of a Water-type, Fire-type, and Electric-type Pokemon, and they are Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon respectively.
To evolve an Eevee in Pokemon Go, you will need to have 25 Eevee Candies and an Eevee as base to evolve with. In order to acquire candies, you will need to have hatched an Eevee from and Egg or catch them in the wild. The number of candies you get from catching/hatching them varies depending on your game, some times you can get 3 some times you can get 6+.
Once you have 25 Eevee candies, you will need to determine which Pokemon you want your Eevee to Evolve into, the rarity of each Pokemon is dependent on your city and area. So choose based on your location, if you see a lot of Vaporeons in Gyms then chances are there’s probably a Vaporeon spawn spot near by so you may want to get Jolteon or Flareon.
Vaporeon – Water-Type pokemon that is strong against Fire types but weak against Electricity.
Jolteon – Electric-Type Pokemon that is strong against Water Types but weak against Fire.
Flareon – Fire-Type Pokemon that is strong against Electric but weak against Water.
In order to do this trick you must rename your Eevee to one of the following and they will evolve accordingly.
- Vaporeon -> Rainer
- Jolteon -> Sparky
- Flareon -> Pyro