Feb 232013

The Simpsons Tapped Out players can enjoy a brand new update (streamed update) with some new characters and items. You can also expect that Valentine’s event is ending soon and that your Valentine’s heart currency will disappear soon along with all of the limited edition Valentine’s items in the game. That means you should start using your hearts for either the decorations in the game or redeem cash in The Simpsons: Tapped Out.

The Simpsons Tapped Out – Ralph

This brand new streamed update adds the character Ralph Wiggum into the game along with the Wiggum house that you need to purchase. You’ll also see the Heart Grinder mentioned which will convert your hearts into cash if you wish. We’ve gotten a couple of $250 cash from the exchange so don’t expect too much for your hearts but probably near the hundreds. The decorations are probably worth exchanging for if you have enough hearts.

There has also been the addition of the El Chemistri which is a building that is uniquely designed in the game. There are also some new decorations but nothing extremely noteworthy but we will update the page as we find more information about them.

*Important notes: The Hearts from the Valentine’s Day event are expiring. You need to use them immediately or they will expire soon.


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  3 Responses to “The Simpsons Tapped Out: Get Ralph & Wiggum House, Valentine Expires”

  1. I had to update my older Simpson version where I had almost 200 hearts which are all gone now. Does anyone know how to load previous valentines version of Simpsons tapped out? So I can use my hearts. I could have used heart grinder to get some money, but kept leaving them for later. I’m so disappointed with this update & there was no warning :( please advise!

  2. They had announced in game for a long time that the hearts promotion was ending. First on valentines day but then they pushed it back to the end of the month. They gave several weeks notice

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