Mar 222013

The Simpsons: Tapped Out made another great update this week for Tapped Out players as two familiar plant workers are added into the game with Homer!

The Simpsons Tapped Out Springfield Buddhist Temple

So who are these new characters? Well they are actually Homer’s Co-workers and donut eating buddies from the game, Lenny and Carl. Although these characters aren’t exactly the main characters but they are definitely characters you see every so often when you see Homer at the plant. That means most of the events from these characters will surround Mr. Burns, Homer, and Smithers.

You’ll also notice that the characters are rather close with Moe because they both have the same job to drop by and have a drink at Moe’s. At any rate, to get the characters you must first build the Springfield Buddhist Temple, which is unlocked at level 27. After building the temple, you will get both Lenny and Carl in the game then you can continue with a brand new quest for the Adult Education Annex after you get to part 4 of that quest.

General Characters/Buildings

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  • the simpsons tapped out carl lenny
  • how do u get lenny carl simpsons tap out
  • tapped out buddhist temple
  • tapped out carl

  3 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Lenny and Carl! Buddhist Temple!”

  1. Add me on simpson tapped out


  2. love this game always on it works great on my Galaxy’s

  3. add me by my e mail

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