Apr 202013

It looks like The Simpsons is celebrating “Whacking Day” with their Whacking event filled with snakes and brand new items for your game. In this new update, some players may get a chill down their backs with these slithery creatures in the game but the best part is you get to whack them and collect points to exchange for limited edition items.

The Simpsons Tapped Out – Whacking Day Event

There are a huge list of items added into the game and the brand new mini-game where you get to whack snakes and collect snake points for a chance to get amazing prizes. You can also get donuts in the game when you whack the snakes and collect eggs.

How to play Snake Whacking Game

The Simpsons Tapped Out Snake Whacking Game

So you’re probably wondering, how do you play this snake whacking game?

To enter the whacking mode or also called Baton Mode, you need to tap on the top right corner where the icon is then start tapping on the snakes to whack them for special bonuses. You’ll get snake eggs and some snakes points. You can place snake eggs in your friend’s town so they’ll hatch and some of the eggs may contain donuts!

Collecting snake points in the game is also important because you’ll be able to win exclusive prizes in the game.

What are the new items?

The Simpsons Tapped Out Whacking Day icon

There are a huge list of items for this update and we will be covering them shortly. Please check the developer’s notes for more information.

Premium Decorations

Snake Hatching Items

Cash Decoration

Character Buildings

Whacking Day Prize Items (Work-in-Progress)

What’s New in Version 4.2.0

There’s a swarm of serpents descending on Springfield and it’s up to you to save the town. Grab your baton and get ready to whack some snakes, because it’s Whacking Day in Springfield.

We’ve got new limited-time characters, quests, and more!
• New Event: Whack snakes infesting your town and win up to ten limited-time, exclusive-content prizes.
• New Buildings: Take a tour of the historic Fort Sensible, train at Lugash’s Gym, catch a game at the Duff Stadium and see the title fight at the Springfield Coliseum.
• New Characters: Prepare for the Whacking Day festivities with Ninja Homer, live the model life with Miss Springfield, get Drederick Tatum to step back into the ring, start Lisa’s gymnastic training or help Willie get his clothes clean using his washboard abs.
• New Decorations: Revel in the season with celebratory, snake-themed decorations: from shirts and sticks to practice snakes of varying colors. If you’re not seeing enough snakes in your town, get some specialty rocks, stumps and trunks that will be sure to increase the number of cold-blooded critters in your town.
• New Quests: Will the town prevail over the Serpent Menace? Will Lisa be able to save the snakes?

  • Yobhan

    I am in need of snakes! If someone can leave some eggs for me I will return the favor!

    Add me yobhan

    • James

      To Swap Eggs::
      1, Add me… jacksojd
      2, Email me with your username and how many eggs you sent.. jimjacksonis at hot mail dot com
      3, Will reply when I have returned the favour.

      Quick – Whacking day event end May 9th…

      • Shane

        Hi there my user name is shanerajoo, I play tapped out everyday, I have 500 eggs ill plant in your town if u can do the same and plant eggs in my town as I am desperate of getting snakes

        • c5_fox

          I could sure use eggs if you have any extra & snakes… I will return the favor.


          • c5_fox

            Please send me your nick so I can add you to my friends list.

      • Anne

        Got 1218 eggs and would like to exchange…
        Nick mssh777

        • jax

          got 1000 eggs and need 600 snakes please help clackersj906

    • sam

      I have loads of eggs, please add s_oxley_30

    • bryan franco

      yobhan !!! i dropped a few hundred eggs on your town , wheres mine !! bfranco19 i have 700 more eggs anyone wanna trade add me . can email me at that user name but on gmail to let me know

    • driftking233

      I am way past snakes and will help any1 that needs eggs. Just add me driftking233 and leave me a comment on how much u need. Im helping a couple of people right now but I have a lot of donuts to buy egg baskets. Add me driftking233
      I will help u out a lot.

      • brrph448

        I’m 515 eggs short of getting Bare Chested Willie and 5515 eggs shorts of getting Miss Springfield so I could use all the help I can get!!! I added few people but only one seems to be giving eggs back :(

        TO ANYONE THAT’S FINISHED PLEASE HELP ME brrph448. Thank you :)

      • andrew

        I need 2000 snakes …can help me out?beebop2515…thanks in advance man

      • Jay

        hey driftking- i added you. i need about 1100 snakes to get tatum and averaging about 300 snakes per day so looks like i’m going to fall just short. 100 eggs or so would probably get me there or any help you can give would be much appreciated.


      • jax

        need 600 if poss i will add you

    • carocalvo1385

      Hi I have 300 eggs we can trade. username: caro.calvo1385

    • Karen wilks

      My friends have not left me any eggs am gutted everyone has gone way past the 12000 mark I have about 40 friends and still only 9000 snakes

      • al

        can we trade? i have alot of snake eggs

    • Jesrika

      Add trulilga new to game but active. Also add jesrika. I have over 800 eggs

    • c5_fox

      Please add me c5_fox Thanks

  • sam

    Add me samgeorge01 I have loads of eggs and not many friends but need help getting more eggs.

    • Rnct3

      Ill trade eggs with you. Let me kow if offer still stands.

    • Rnct3

      Simple email will do it

  • Trin

    Add me : Trinitysincl

  • jessica

    Add me. I play daily Oopeff

  • sara

    add me smloomis18

  • Fitgirl780

    Anybody actual got any donuts yet from whacking snake eggs? I call bs on that cuz I’m at 8700 snakes and I haven’t gotten any donuts

  • Issymew

    Add me: issymew
    I’ll give you eggs if u return the favour
    Thanks :) I play every day

  • rsang1220

    I play every day and have tons of eggs to share. If you leave eggs for me, you’ll have to email me at [email protected] and let me know what you left and I will return the favor otherwise I won’t know who left what…username is rsang1220

  • Marcos

    add me please! kikosff

  • darthballzhd

    i have tons of eggs, i don’t have any friends yet on the game. i’ve been dropping them into the computer controlled town and just gave up on that. if you are willing to drop some for me add me darthballzhd

    • haley

      I just added you.
      I’ll leave you the eggs I have.
      I’m 1000 away from my goal prize if you could just hook me up with a few

      username: nothaleybeckham

    • Daniel

      I will add you and send you eggs directly when u accept me

    • Atchitone

      Just added you as a friend. Im in the same boat. Got about a thousand eggs to unload

    • Atchitone

      I dropped about 20 or so eggs by your penitentiary and have not gotten any back. Just wanted to make sure you knew it was me atchitone687.

  • Tina

    Add me tatlarsen628

  • Smegfist

    My ID is Smegfist, if anybody wants to share eggs
    ill give what i can.

    Or if anybody is feeling generous or has completed their
    prizes, pls feel free to gift me eggs. Im nowhere near finished yet

  • James

    To Swap Eggs:
    1, Add me… jacksojd
    2, Email me with your username and how many eggs you sent.. jimjacksonis at hot mail dot com
    3, Will reply when I have returned the favour.

    Quick – Whacking day event end May 9th…

  • Jessica

    add me- jay94fume335

  • Alyssa

    If anybody wants to trade eggs off with me, add me mrsdacuital16
    the first person I get and add from, I will give you all of my eggs if you will do the same.

  • legendary2204

    Daily hourly player

  • lauriemcc94

    Anyone have any eggs they don’t need myself and a friend are struggling to get anywhere near 12500 please help would be appreciated? Origin user names are lauriemcc94 and kezz1683

    • carocalvo1385

      Hi I have 435 eggs do yo have some so we can trade? username carocalvo1385

  • Kristi

    thegoodone80 add me and I will help you out for eggs.

    • Daniel

      I already add you please help

  • Eddie

    I have 1400 eggs to trade with someone who has more or less the amount. My ideal transaction is exchanging 50 eggs at a time in the course of a day or 2. I don’t add many friends (hence I have so many eggs!), and would prefer to trade with one person. The first reply to this post with your user name will be added to my game (from user name dooohhh). To avoid confusion, I will not accept any friends invite but I will add you instead with user name provided in the reply :)

    Serious only!! We can trade 10/20 first to establish a trusting exchange !
    Hope this will eliminate egg scammers lol if there are any out there !!

    • Eddie

      I have 1400 eggs to trade with someone who has more or less the amount. My ideal transaction is exchanging 50 eggs at a time in the course of a day or 2. I don’t add many friends (hence I have so many eggs!), and would prefer to trade with one person. The first reply to this post with your user name will be added to my game (from user name dooohhh). To avoid confusion, I will not accept any friends invite but I will add you instead with user name provided in the reply

      Serious only!! We can trade 10/20 first to establish a trusting exchange !
      Hope this will eliminate egg scammers lol if there are any out there !!


      Read more: http://gameteep.net/the-simpsons-tapped-out-whacking-day-event/#ixzz2SCSliTkv

      • David

        Hey Eddie,
        After my earlier post, I wasn’t able to arrange a trade. Since then I now have just over 919 eggs to trade. Willing to trade upto 950 number (what i should have by the end of transfers) + any other eggs that come in until the 9th Whacking Day as a bonus.

        Just friend requested you – as soon as that’s sent through will send 50 eggs to confirm future deal.

        username davinadave

      • J


        Add me 1000+ Eggs 50/50 or 25/25


        • driftking233

          Hey r u leaving me eggs? Sum1 is but idk who cause I just added around 12 more friends. I will start trading u eggs k.

          • J

            Not Me

            Add me Only trade with few people you give me 25 Ill give 50 and 50/50 after that still have 1000 eggs add me

            ID = jrm3sd420l332

        • driftking233

          Hey jrm3 I still got a lot of eggs ill trade 25 then the 50 then go to 100 eggs back n forth with u if u want to email me at [email protected] name driftking233
          Or if any1 else is wanting 2 trade like that email plz but if u dont email me n let me know ur sending me eggs I won’t know who 2 send em back 2. So plz email me if u leave me eggs. Thxz

          • J

            I just added you @ driftking and will email you
            @ doohh left eggs in front of stadium and kwikimart

            ID = jrm3sd420l332

    • mrmartin19

      name is mrmartin19

    • Peter Hjalmarsson

      Still open to the trade? I have 855 eggs (and counting) and am willing to trade all of them, and more for the next few days of course. I am peterhjalmarsson in the game. Awaiting your invite, and contact at inkorg at peterhjalmarsson.com

      • Atchitone

        Just gave you 20 eggs to start if you send some my way I will send more.

    • Jennifer Smith


    • skorp42129

      hey dude.. got around 800-900 snakes yet. Would really like to change. feel free to add me (skorp42129 ingame) tell me and i’ll sent you the snakes! grtz

  • Yep19

    Add me Yep19

  • Mike

    Added me Mexunit2020

  • Rnct3

    Give me eggs please Rnct3

  • n_dhil

    Hi only a few days left to collect as many egg as I can. Can anyone help me by giving me some eggs. Please help me I will be really grateful. Thank you

  • Shany

    Please I need 1500 eggs, thx a lot !!! Nickname: Shannny11

  • bones15869

    In need of snakes if someone could send me eggs it would be appreciated

  • Goda

    ADD ME : Godulla

    The first person who invites me gets eggs. (I have about 600) i will expect the same :)

  • carocalvo1385

    hey I have 435 eggs willing to trade
    username carocalvo1385

  • Stephen

    Please add me: sonnenkind1a
    Just started and could really use some friends and eggs. Would be really kind if you had some for free or little exchange. Please add.

  • DarkM00n92

    Add me DarkM00n92 (the two o’s in moon are zeros)

    give me eggs ill give back..

  • j_warne

    Hey i have around 700 eggs and looking for an exclusive egg buddy to trade all of them as i’m not getting enough eggs back from other friends. let me know my game id is j_warne :)

  • AfshaS

    Hi! Okay so I am VERY confused… I unlocked Fort Sensible. I have 322 snakes. However, I can’t see the building in my buildings. And I can’t put it in my town either.. What’s up with that? :/

  • Alex

    I need lots of snake eggs ! please send me some and I will return the favor ! I have 465 eggs to give in return !

    • Alex

      my user id is AlexRafael106 !

  • jw

    Add me: BillionDuck

    I am really close to 1,000 so any eggs would be appreciated. Only 5 friends, and I have a ton of eggs to give out!

  • akaki

    add me akakiman

  • lucy

    Please add lucyrtauch548 just started the game and need eggs!

  • Daniel

    I exchange 1400 eggs add me and i will accept you put me the eggs and then ill put my eggs in your town. Boladanielgc is my acount named

  • Rachel B

    My husband acquired enough snakes to get the sleep easy motel and Miss Springfield. my son accidentally skipped through it too quick?!? does anyone know what to do with the extra snakes? Thanks a bunch!!!

  • amebaaa

    Hi, i need to share eggs too. Please add me, my Id is: Amebaaa
    I play every day

  • Matthew Bertrand

    I only need 84 more snakes for sleep easy! Can someone please add me and give me eggs??

    Add mattbertrand123

    Thank you!!!!

  • Lalarose25

    Have 900+ eggs. Want to trade? Add me lalarose25

  • marcos serrano

    I go on it every minute
    Add, me: lionelas1998
    and my second account
    Add me:Simpsons98236

  • stefferz91181

    I am in bad need of snakes…. Only need 800 more to get the last prize! Please add me and help… I have hundreds of eggs to return the favor! Add stefferz91181

  • farisya

    In need of 7000 snakes if someone could send me eggs it would be appreciated add me : farissya

  • shayne

    Im looking for lots of eggs I play daily…I would really appreciate if people have some to spare. Please add me: snarecrow and I will return the favor to who makes the initials of eggs in my town.

  • K

    Mxgrl21 and I currently have 566 eggs and I’m looking to trade for the same amount. Any1 interested? First person to add me, drop the 566 eggs and leave me a comment will get my eggs in return. Mxgrl21

  • Jasmin

    Add me! I’ll trade eggs and I have currently over 600 but I only have one friend. My e-mail is [email protected] !

  • Jasmin

    Add me! I play daily. I’ll trade eggs and I have currently over 600 but I only have one friend. My e-mail is [email protected] !

  • Mewin

    Need new friends that are still playing the game. I’d like to give the
    Eggs to someone who can use them. Cwgrlmrw84 thanks in advance.

  • Nat

    Add me nat-stagg775 and please give me a load of eggs

  • C

    I need some egge, i will reply the act whit eggs add.
    Plass add ludde_16471

  • Laila

    Hey guys! I’m in a huge need of snakes! I just got Bare Chested Willie and still have a hope to collect at least one more. Maybe someone would like to exchange eggs? Add me: lailaila

  • micheal cox

    add my account mike3480

  • jessica

    add my account onsummernights

  • ashley

    Missxlette89 — I play multiple times a day… add me!

  • peterhjalmarsson

    I have 1300+ eggs and not any friends, so I need to step up my trading these last few days. I’m looking for an ordered trade, so none of us gets ripped off. Could for an example be:
    1. We give ten eggs each
    2. We give 50 eggs each
    3. We give 100 eggs each until trade is done.

    Add me to game (peterhjalmarsson) and send an email to [email protected] to start the trade.

    • peterhjalmarsson

      Email is phjalmarsson at gmail dot com

    • Atchitone


      eft you another message then saw this one. I started with 20 eggs by Springfield downs.


    • J

      ID = jrm3sd420l332

      Add me will trade 50/50 or 100/100

      1000 eggs left

  • J

    ID= jrm3sd420l332
    Add me have 1000 + eggs 50/50 or 25/25

    Add me
    ID= jrm3sd420l332

  • Cogiveo


    I do now have about 4800 snakes and i realy want to get the 7500 cause of the next building. Please help me!

  • Atchitone

    I have around 1200 eggs and would like to trade. Add me as a friend atchitone687 and let me know where you leave your eggs and I will do the same.


    • Atdunn43

      Hi, I added you (atdunn43) I have about 1200 eggs as well and am looking to trade them right now. Add me and I’ll start leaving 100 at a time as soon as you do.

      I cleared a space right in front.

      • Atchitone

        I have given you over 100 eggs and have not gotten any in return. I was putting them where there is now a heart of eggs.

    • Meg

      I’ve added you! ponchorocks

  • driftking233

    Please send me a msg or e-mail about how many eggs u have left me and I will return the favor times 2. My new friends I have left about 20 eggs each in ur town but plz let me know when u leave me eggs. Thxz happy whacking every1.

    • peterhjalmarsson

      I have returned the 18 eggs you gave me. We can surely step up the pace (50 at a time first?) if you want to. I’m happy to let you know when I leave some, but I don’t have your email. My address is phjalmarsson at gmail dot com. I have 1300+ eggs.

  • Atchitone

    I put 20 eggs by your stadium and new house you were building last night. Return the favor and I will put more out.


  • Atchitone

    I put 20 eggs by your stadium and the new house you were building last night. Return the favor and I will put more out.


  • Wffruin456

    I have 256 eggs if you want to trade. Add me if you want t

  • Adam

    Have 2 friends. They r beginners n know nothing. I have 1000’s of eggs. Just got duff stadium n I think b4 it ends I can achieve all.. So add me n we can help each other by dropping eggs

    Add me jbernhart856

  • Meg

    Add me!!


  • J

    ID = jrm3sd420l332

    Add me. Give me 25 eggs ill give 50 back. 50/50 after that or 100/100!

    Still have 1000 eggs

    Add me ID = jrm3sd420l332

  • rettie1980

    Hey I’m upto 11220 snakes and really need sone serious egg doners! Accepted lots of friend request but didn’t get a lot of eggs from them :( I’m updating my snake number count in my town using bushes and fences. Please request me if u can help me reach the 10th prize and keep coming to my town to see if I’ve reached it!!! I will remember any donations given at this very late hour next time we have an event like this xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    • rettie1980

      Sorry my just realised i didn’t specifi my o4igin user name it’s- rettie1980

  • amy

    Add me im in dire need of eggs please deadletter681

  • c5_fox

    Please add me: c5_fox

    I need eggs.

    Thank You

  • c5_fox

    wow… I lost all my snakes and eggs???? Does anyone know whats going on?

  • darkr

    Need more friends….game kind of gets boring….add me darkelemen908

  • foushee23

    add me add me add me foushee23 thx

  • foushee23

    if u add me i will add every one so thx name is foushee23

  • erica

    sorry not doodybear…. its * alyflanagan *