The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Blinky Balloon


The Blinky Balloon is a limited time balloon decoration available in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. This balloon is merely a decoration and is available to help you complete some quests for the game during Thanksgiving.

This decoration is only available during Thanksgiving.

Requires: Level 5 | Improves your Vanity rating.

Key Feature

  • This decoration is a balloon and not a character.

The Blinky Balloon is a limited edition decoration released to celebrate Thanksgivings int he United States. It is only available during this time but once you’ve purchased it you can have it in your Tapped Out city for as long as you like.

By purchasing this decoration or having this decoration in your city you will also get the bonus mentioned in the description if any are available.

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  • where are the balloons on simpsons tapped out

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