The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Blue Funzo


The Blue Funzo in The Simpsons: Tapped Out is a toy. It is also a character without a job that is classified as Funzos.

Unlike normal characters which has a job and is tap-able. This Funzo character does not have any jobs or tasks that will earn you income. The Funzo will only speak when you tap it and with random speech.

Requires: Funzo Mania

Tap the Funzo to make it speak.

The Simpsons Tapped Out – Blue Funzo

Release Date:
December 5 2012

Buying Price: 50 Donuts

How to get Blue Funzo

To get the Blue Funzo you must first understand that they are all locked by quest and you need to complete everything in order to unlock the Funzo and make it available for purchase.

The last quest that needs to be completed in your game to unlock the Three Funzos including this one is purchasing the Try-N-Save building. Once you’ve purchased the Try-N-Save building you will be able to unlock all three Funzos for purchase in your game. However, their not cheap so be sure to save up lots of Donuts to purchase this Funzo.

What does this character do?

Nothing. It walks around. Tap it to speak.

Job List

This character has no job or task in the game.



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  • simpsons tapped out blue funzo
  • tapped out blue funzo
  • the simpsons tapped out funzo gameteep

  7 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Blue Funzo”

  1. Pls add me: gigi1983148

    A lot of Christmas coins to earn…

  2. I thought funzo would cost less than the try and save….. So wrong lol

    Add me …. Daveygenius

    Add me ….. Mampti

  3. Add me joeroblesjr

  4. Add me need santa coins asap :-) : chavedkaved

  5. Please add me i will accept all invitatins MexicanWarior89

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