The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Blue House


After playing a while in The Simpson: Tapped Out you will unlock the Blue House for your Tapped Out town. The Blue House is a colored house that generates a bit more income for your town by having it built. It cost 1800 to purchase a single blue house and it generates 150 cash and 13 experience for every 8 hours. Some players have suggested that the blue house earns the most out of all the houses at level 7 – 10 and is recommended that you build multiple of these to fill your Tapped Out town.

The Blue house unfortunately will not unlock any special or hidden characters but as stated above you can build multiple of these to gain maximum profit from income taxes for your Tapped Out Town. By completing the first building of this house you also complete The New Evergreen Terrace V.

The Simpsons Tapped Out Blue House

  • Joe

    How long is a while?