The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Brown house


The Brown house in the Simpsons: Tapped Out is the very first colored house you will get. Colored houses are generally just income generators which means they are built to help you generate income. Perhaps the Brown House is the most unique house out of them all is the Brown House. It is the only house that is used by many Tapped Out characters to complete their quests all the way up to Mayor Quimby. It cost 355 to build one brown house and earns 6 cash 1xp every 5 minute. If you play Tapped Out on occasion then the Brown House is definitely a great tool for you to generate money every 5 minutes. Although when you are at higher levels you may want to look at the other houses to generate more money. Don’t spend too much on the brown house because 5 minute collecting intervals can be difficult for Tapped Out players.

The Simpsons Tapped Out Brown House

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