The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Cooling Towers


To get the Cooling Towers in The Simpsons: Tapped Out, you must reach level 11 unlocking the It’s Pronounced Nu-cular Pt. 1 quest for you to buy it. The Cooling Towers is actually part 1 of three parts in attempt to rebuild Mr. Burns nuclear empire power plants. If you don’t know what the power plant is then let us tell you. It is the first building Homer Simpson was in while he was tapping on his myPad where he says “These happy little elves you tap and wait you tap and wait for what? so your pretend friends can play with their pretend flowers… etc” you get the point. The nuclear power plant is where Homer Simpson works and earns an income and is also one of the biggest buildings in The Simpsons.

When you first purchase the Cooling Towers you will notice that it is much larger than any other building you have built if you have not purchase premium items. For the next couple of buildings you will buy it is nearly the same size and will definitely take up the nearly the same amount of space so be sure to expand your land and clear out enough of the waste or you will find yourself tapping on your iPad back and forth to find space. Once you complete building the Cooling Towers, Mr. Burns will join your Tapped Out city helping you earn income on his daily jobs.

The Simpsons Tapped Out Cooling Towers

  • Sahli

    I’m in level 13. Unfortunately, nu-cular pt.1 is still locked. How can I unlock it?


      You have to place willies shack and the school
      Add me: NUCLEARGAMAZ
      Chack ma youtube channel NUCLEARGAMAZ

  • PasserBy

    I also haven’t triggered the cooling towers quest and have past level 11.

    Does anyone know the conditions to set this off?

  • Patohh

    Me too!. I’m reach just now level 11. But it still looked. :(
    Does, any caracter (Homer by example), iniciate the quest?
    I have Homer resting on the pool, rigth now.

    • Off The Grid

      To trigger the cooling towers you need:

      1) Level 11
      2) Build Willie’s Shack, and finish all his side tasks
      3) Have Apu free (not doing any tasks)

      Once you have done this, Apu will have an exclamation mark over him; tap him and it will start the sequence to unlock the cooling towers.

      • Rebekah

        I’m level 18 and have all the towers and mr burns but nothing is happening with the towers! Have willies shack and finished all his tasks and have had apu and all characters doing nothing and still no exclamation mark over apu to complete this task

  • markspence02

    How much does the cooling towers cost?

  • Lewis

    The cooling towers costs 15000 dollars and to get it complete schoolhouse crock part 5 and have Apu free to start the quest

  • Hi

    I have already had Apu talk about the control building and it’s in my task book that I have to build it and it is still locked

    • Alish

      I’m having the same problem did you ever figure it out ? Well it gave me the quest in level 10 saying “reach level 11 and unlock cooling towers” ( valentines car)

  • Anomynous

    I’m having a slight problem with the game on the valentines version.When I go on to tapped out I have built the cooling towers and it says build reactor core and its unlocked so I bought it and now it says reach level 11 and build control building,i am level 11 but the control building is locked? Help!?

    • Chris

      I’m having the same problem. I’m at level 11 in the Valentine’s Day version and it says Homer needs to work a shift in the plant to buy Marge flowers. It says I need to build the control towers, but wen I look in the building menu, it’s still locked.

  • Amelia

    I’m on level 12 and its still not working.

  • Gonzalopleit

    This sucks! I did willies shack and now I have to do school rock pt 5 in order to get the towers? I this correct?

    • Jake


  • Mazing Gracie

    Level 12 about half way through you get “it’s called nuc-lear (?) on” 4 to start power plant on the Simpson’s tapped out kindle fire edition

  • Mazing Gracie

    Level 12 about half way through you get “it’s called nuc-lear pt 4″ to start power plant on the Simpson’s tapped out kindle fire edition

  • CarGoVroom

    Please add me as a friend I am on every day!

  • sparkleone1

    Please add me: sparkleone1

  • Abu Sufian

    I’m in level 11. I can’t find “It’s pronounced Nu-Cular Pt. 1″ quest. Please help me. How can I find the quest???

    • Ian Cooper

      You have to build the school and Willies shack and complete all the tasks for it too:/

  • Ian Cooper

    Please add me I am almost a level 11 and almost unlocked willies shack. How long does it take to build the shack and how many tasks are there? Also how much does Cooling Towers cost?

    Thank You

    Please add me: iancoop03

  • Clare

    I was stuck on level 12 as it wouldn’t unlock control building, I logged out and logged back in and once me burns finished his job he started the nuclear quest and the control building was unlocked :)

  • jake45

    Cooling towers built but it still saying build cooling towers. Their built and I’m building the core now. Any ideas