The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Duff Brewery
The Duff Brewery is one of the best premium item in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. For 190 Donuts [a little over $10] you get the cool celebrity of Duffman! A legendary hero to those that love duff beer and want more beer. The Duff Brewery itself will earn you 200 income taxes and 20 xp every 6 hours which is quite the bonus considering you also get money from the character himself. Like all premium items, this Duff Brewery will take 6 seconds for it to finish building so there is no wait time like the other buildings. If you are in need of donuts check out the donuts section to see if there are any tips and tricks to help you increase your donuts without buying them.
This page is about...
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- simpsons tapped out best premium item
- how to get duff brewery simpsons tapped out
- duff brewery simpsons tapped out
- best donut items tapped out
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