The Simpsons: Tapped Out – 10 Free Secret Donuts


jebediah statue in Tapped out Simpsons
Donuts are one of the main currency in the Simpsons Tapped Out and these are not easy to come by. You can get 10 free donuts in the Simpsons tapped out by following a few simple steps as well as the statue of the great founder of Springfield, Jebediah Springfield. To begin getting your 10 free secret donuts as a bonus to this tapped out game, simply ensure that Homer Simpson is not doing any tasks. Once you know that Homer is free for you to control, simply tap on Homer then have him play with his myPad. When you have Homer player with his myPad make sure that he is not running close to another characters in your Tapped Out city then tap on Homer. You will hear him telling you to quit poking him or laugh. Continue tapping Homer while he is walking and you should unlock 10 free secret bonus for your Springfield City. These are 10 free Tapped Out donuts which is simply amazing for such a little task. Along with the 10 free donuts, you will also get the statue of jebediah Springfield. This statue that came along with your free donuts will increase your earnings with your task and houses. Other than that it’s just a decoration. Nonetheless, 10 Free donuts in the Simpsons tapped out is a great secret to be shared, let other players know of your success with this free donuts for the Simpsons tapped out!

  • Joe

    Add me Josmo33 I play everyday

  • Harley PGe


  • Chelsea

    Love this cheat!!!!! Add me anyone who is a daily player. I’m a daily player too. cnward93280. Hit me up!!

    • Richard Hoople

      I play this game every day I just luv it

  • Johanna

    OMG Thank you so much! It worked!

  • chris

    Everyone add me I need more friends chrisblake950

    • Stanbecky

      I need more friends, everyday player!!!

    • umayrah


  • Parua100

    Can anyone help me with the Easter edition.

  • (Haylo)

    I knew this cheat quite a while ago but hey are there any more secret bonus thing
    Like that one I’m really looking for others. I’ve already got them and the statue!!! And I added uncnward93280!!!

  • Superrad7

    I am 7 and I only have one frened I need someone to come on my Springfield I am on level 15 so come so come fast for fun bye

  • Tristan

    Or you can just tap homer ten times fast while he is not doing anything & you will get ten free donuts & the statue

  • Tristan

    I pllay every day

  • Ross billy

    I play every day

  • Ross billy

    I wont to be you frend

  • Nathan Marple

    Perfect please at me i play every day


  • alejandra

    Hey so can ii add anyone??
    ii need friends

  • umayrah

    It’s great

  • Betty

    This isnt working for me :(

  • Gordon

    I am playing anonomisly the only way I can play won’t let me sign up on level 11 need donuts bad

  • Nightworldsky

    Add me nightworldsky. I’m on every day

  • nicole

    Need money and donuts please I had to start allover again x

    • Emma

      Same happend to me and I worked out that I needed to delete the game and reload it,
      Got a heap of donuts too

  • Pizza79

    It’s not working for me does your phone have to be jail broken