The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Gilded Truffle


To get the Gilded Truffle you need to be at least level 16 and have completed the quest named Truffle Surprise Pt. 3. The Gilded Truffle is known to be the most elegant restaurant in all of Springfield and will certainly add it’s classy looks to your Tapped Out town. It’s exterior building has a red carpet that are normally made for celebrities and even a bellboy in from to help open your door and serve you inside. The Simpsons family has often made plans to go there but have on many times failed to do so due to unexpected reasons each almost always landing them in Krusty Burger. When you purchase and build the Guilded Truffle in The Simpsons: Tapped Out town you will notice that you will not get another classy character yet just the building. Well the main objective of this building is to help bring you 75 cash and 7 xp every 3 hours making you almost the richest man alive – almost. You can expect this Gilded Truffle building to cost 34000 and take 24 hours to build.

The Simpsons Tapped Out Gilded Truffle

  • Ghandi

    Add me …… mampti

    • fanya

      having troulbe unlocking the gilded truffle?? why??

      • Charlotte spence

        Yeah I’m in level 16 nearly level 17 and it won’t let me unlock it what do I have to do ?

  • j

    add me too… sbwriel 1

  • Lori Caudill

    Add me, I play daily. Fade2blk8

    • HRToftheDVL

      I just did ;)

  • Max

    Who wants to build the gilded truffle is it homer

  • Danielle

    Add me csmdanielle

  • Mare

    Add me: maryluvsho759

  • Kim Hosier

    Add me please. khosier341

  • jenny42o

    Add my jenny 42o

  • Tom

    add me…daily player tbackus007

  • rose

    add me rcruz716

  • Samantha

    Add me :) OhHelpImShtuck

  • Pete

    add me…pjsenatore555

  • Robert

    Add me I play daily krushkeys

  • Heather

    Add me. I play daily. x97hoq

  • Julius

    I havent been able to start the Gilded Truffle quest but iv’e been reading up on it and so far no one seems to have the exact cause and solution for this issue. I hope in time I too will be able to see it appear at random like others have had happen to them. By the way, i could use a few more friends. I only have two, and since this is a social game, please add me for crying out loud. Than you, come again.

    • aj

      Please add me I play daily: tonycat165 …here’s what worked for me:

      I was stuck too, lvl 16, I had Springfield Downs built but nothin
      -I built Jake’s Unisex Hair Palace and Marge prompts you to send her there.
      -When she’s done she then prompts you to have her clean the house.
      -Homer then prompts you to send him to Springfield Downs, and this begins the quest.

      • fanya

        I have done all that and still the truffle is locked…may u help me??

        • Mila

          Follow the steps above and do the quests. Eventually it will unlock the truffle quest part 2. Finish that and FINALLY it will get to the gilded truffle quest along with the ghost in the machine quest.
          Make sure you set money aside after Marge cleans her house so you can buy the gilded truffle when it unlocks. I tHink it’s around 32k.. don’t quote me!

          After you’ve built the guilded truffle which takes 24 hours, it will allow you to continue with the ghost in the machine quest. That is the one what a ghost possesses Homer to spend time with Marge. This takes about eight hours for each char so try and do it at the same time to get it over faster.

          Once this is done, it should open the way to get the freak show. I haven’t gotten it yet but I will soon! Good luck everyone ;-)

          • Ivo

            Ok, I have both the Gilded Truffle pt1 and 2 completed but im stuck it says Queest…the Head line Gilded truffle is in yellow like it wants me to build it but its locked what do i do

  • Blindmellowjelloo

    Add me Plz Blindmellowjelloo

  • mdeleon1991954

    add me mdeleon1991954

  • Alya

    Add me Lain232

  • HRToftheDVL

    Add me!. I cant add friends for some reason. HRToftheDVL

  • chloe.green27

    Add me…. Chloe.green27

    • Ricardo

      add me to? [email protected]

  • milhouse1989

    I was given the goal to build the Gilded Truffle, but at the time I didn’t have enough money.. And now I can’t build it, is there a fix for this?

    add me: milhouse1989

  • Daryll Gonzales

    add me please zpeedygonz93 thanks!

  • Daryll Gonzales

    im having trouble adding friends. can you add me? zpeedygonz93 thanks a lot

  • Amanda

    Add me amandalynn19

  • Josh

    Add me jspain6785 daily player

  • Cassy Cass

    Add me @cassycass98 daily active player

  • Danielle

    Add me – danyell9311

  • Melissa

    Add me mmd1977

  • Hannah

    Can some please help me build the guiled truffle

    Add me hannahbrenna714

  • joe king

    Add me

  • Aimee

    Add me

  • Iana Temerity

    Add me please, my name is IanaTmerity, i play every day. :)

  • Ant

    Add me l1l_anthony

  • Jackie

    Add me please, I’m a daily player : jaclynlou

  • Syeira

    Add me warriorsyeira

  • innerCityDude

    Quest Task Reward
    Truffle Surprise Pt. 1 Send Homer to Visit the Track Money 100
    XP 10
    Truffle Surprise Pt. 2 Send Homer to Shop at the Kwik-E-Mart Money 100
    XP 10
    Truffle Surprise Pt. 3 Build the Gilded Truffle Money 100
    XP 10
    Truffle Surprise Pt. 4 Make Homer Dine at the Truffle
    Make Marge Dine at the Truffle Money 100
    XP 10

  • Mila

    Add me! Milamoopsie I’m level 20 and I play every day.

    • Mila

      My friends list is now full, sorry! I cant figure out how to delete people either.
      Thank you for all of the invites :-) Everyone has been a huge help and I’ve successfully finished the event.

      I’m looking forward to the next one! Good luck everyone ♡

  • Jayelsee411

    I can’t do the gilded truffle! And I’m on level 16 grrr
    Add me jayelsee411

  • opm1983

    Add me opm1983 i play DAILY

  • jay

    add me jjwalker9634

  • jjwalker96234

    add me jjwalker96234

  • Vikkiii961

    Add me vikkiii961

  • Renee

    Add new Renee_Rose1

  • Lee

    Built Springfield Downs; what do i do next to get this? Also; need more people to get me more goo etc: cyanideandjd

  • snoochie

    add me snoochiexboochie

  • allison

    add me cmpltklutz i play pretty much everyday!

  • Coffinhunter

    Can’t get the guilded truffle to open either.

    But I play every day so add me. Coffinhunter

  • allison

    I am also having issues unlocking the Gilded Truffle. I have also been using for help. I’ve done all but 4 and then 8-12 is leading up to and building the Gilded Truffle.

  • B.o.g.


  • Meh116

    Add me: Meh116

  • terrance camburn

    Myself and my wife are opposed to most social sites because they went from fun to just drama sites…we are new to the springfield area and would love to meet our fellow springfieldians…
    MutantHomer6 and my wife is

    we are multidaily players and need as many friends as possible! Please I beg of you!