The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Grampa


To get Granpa Simpson in The Simpsons: Tapped Out, written as Grampa Simpson, or better known as Abraham J. “Abe” Simpson you need to first reach level 19 to unlock the Retirement Castle. This won’t be an easy task and may take a few weeks or months but it is definitely worth it to complete your The Simpsons collection in Tapped Out. If you don’t know, Grampa Simpson is the father of Homer Simpson and grandfather of the Simpson children. He is known to be the oldest of the Simpsons family and is often overlooked by Homer and his family.

The Simpsons Tapped Out - Grampa

Grandpa Simpson does not live with Homer’s family yet he is lives in the retirement home with other old folks. In The Simpsons: Tapped Out he makes a return as the owner and story teller of the Retirement Castle in your Tapped Out town. The Retirement Castle can also be better known as the retirement home in the show as it looks very similar to the one int he show except with a jazzed up name for players around the globe.

Once you unlock the Retirement Castle building, you need to complete building it to get Grampa into your Tapped Out town. Note that the building does not gain you income but unlocks certain quests for other characters in your Tapped Out town. Grampa on the other hand will give you a number of income from his daily job walking down the streets or telling great stories about his life.

Task/Jost List Time Earnings/Income Rates Requirements
Tell Stories on the Couch 60m $75, 20XP
Eat At Skip’s Diner 4h $200, 50XP
Take a Nap 6h $250, 60XP
Feed the Birds 8h $275, 75XP
Babysit Bart and Lisa 12h $350, 100XP
Walk Around Thinking it’s 1953 24h $600, 150XP

Gorgeous Grampa

The Simpsons - Tapped Out - Gorgeous Grampa

Task/Jost List Time Earnings/Income Rates Requirements
Powder Puff 60m $70, 17XP
Admire Himself 4h $175, 45XP
Go to Show and Tell 8h $275, 70XP
Prance and Preen 12h $520, 100XP
Get his Wig Styled 24h $600, 150XP

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  7 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Grampa”

  1. When u click on walk around thinking its 1953 what’s that song that plays ?? I wanna kno so bad it has such a nice tune to it well I hope it’s a song and not just something they made up lol :)

    • Well it might be but soon I’m getting retirmaent castle add me [email protected]

    • Well I would really like to know which song it is playing when you tap on retirement ceastle but i cant find it anywhere. Mysterious ;)

  2. Hi, can you say, what’s this and how can I get it?

  3. Yes it’s expired

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