The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Krusty Burger


To get the Krusty Burger building in The Simpsons: Tapped Out you must be at least  level 14 and have completed all the quest to the one named Made with U.S.D.A Letter-Graded Beef Pt.1. Some players have found problems with this quest but this quest is started by none other than Homer Simpson when he cannot cook. In The Simpsons: Tapped Out, Homer blew up the entire Springfield city and Marge went with it. Until Marge returns home to cook for Homer he looks for a way to get juice into his belly. He talks to Lisa about Krusty burger and that’s when the quest is unlock to build it is made. If you have been skipping quests along your play then it is highly suggested that you go back to your town and do them. If you send your characters straight into another job as a player then we ask you to stop and wait to see if there are any pending quests. Unfortunately characters do not ring the quest immediately after you just finished a job and most of the time after a few minutes.

Once you unlock this building you can build as many Krusty Burgers as you wish to satisfy your designing desires. Note that the original Krusty Burger will also unlock Krusty but that one was completed at a lower level.

The Simpsons Tapped Out Krusty Burger

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