The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Much Ado About Muffins


Much Ado About Muffins is a cash Building in the game and can be purchased in the market for 48,500 cash in The Simpsons Tapped Out. This Building was added into the game around the June 12 2013 for the summer update and is here to stay. So don’t worry about not being able to purchase this Building for your Tapped Out city. However, you do need at least the buying price of the Building to be able to purchase this Building.

Please keep in mind that you must use cash to buy this Building. You cannot use donuts for this purchase. This Building does not come with a character, so if you are expecting one then it may disappoint you after your purchase.

Reach Level 18
Start the “Squidport Pt. 18″ quest

Every 8h Earns 135 Cash 15XP

The Simpsons Tapped Out – Much Ado About Muffins

Release Date:
June 12 2013

Buying Price:
48,500 cash

Build Time: 24 Hours

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Value
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Information/How to get

This item is found in the Building section of the game and it appears to be a Building that you can use to build your Tapped Out city. All quests must be completed in a certain order so be sure to check back at all the quests if you cannot unlock this building.

  • The building is unlocked when you talk to Homer
  • He asks you to expand into the sea and waters.
  • Once you have expanded into the beach then the sea.
  • This will unlock the Squidport Entrance.
  • After building the Squidport Entrance, you will be able to access the Houseboat
  • You will get the Sea Captain, talk to the Sea Captain eventually you’ll be able to buy The Itchy and Scratchy Store.
  • Finish the quest then continue on until you get Squidport Pt 7 which will unlock Malaria Zone.
  • Continue to complete quests until you reach Squidport Pt 9, where Just Rainsticks building will be unlocked.
  • Continue talking to the Sea Captain and completing all his quests until you reach Squidport Pt. 11, this will unlock the The Frying Dutchman building.
  • After a series of “The Frying Dutchman” Quests, you will complete Squidport Pt. 12, unlocking Fried Dough Stand.
  • Keep doing quests with the Sea Captain until you reach Squidport Pt. 13, and unlock this My Turban Outfitters for your game.
  • Keep on talking to the Sea Captain for more quests until Squidport Pt 14. Unlocks My first Tattoo building.
  • Continue to talk to Sea Captain for more quests until this building is unlocked.

Please keep in mind that you can only place this near the beach on the Boardwalks. Any other place on land, it will not be place-able..

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