The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Ned Flanders


Having the SImpsons family in The Simpsons: Tapped Out is not enough, who can forget about their  next door neighbor the Flanders. Ned Flanders, returns in this iPhone and iPad game as the owner and main character of the Flanders House. If you don’t know who Ned Flanders is the let us bring the history to you. Ned Flanders is ultimately the opposite of everything Homer Simpson is in the show. He lives next to Homer and is an churchy individual that holds the bible to his heart. He is an optimistic man that often says “Hi Diddly-ho” to greet his friends and neighbor. You can think of Ned Flanders as the ultimate peace keeper where he is always trying to do whats right in life, including trying to bring them closer to god and the bible.

The Simpsons Tapped Out - Ned Flanders

Ned Flanders was not always such a nerdy bible man, when he was young he used to bring terror to the kids of Springfield and had to be placed into the hospital for the mentally insane. When he successfully managed to overcome himself he threw himself towards god and was released from the hospital bringing him to the “Hi Diddly-ho” personality he has today. Although he has such a calm personality, he is also the owner of the Leftorium shop in the Springfield mall where he sells items for left-handed people.

In The Simpsons: Tapped Out, Ned Flanders make the grand return to the city when you purchase his Flanders home during the tutorial. You can find the Flanders home in the shop but you won’t bring Rodd or Todd along for his return just yet. Ned has a number of jobs that will make you laugh or think hes a superstar, you will find that his job list is full of bible-related tasks where you will pray to god or run around the city jogging like a pro.

The Simpsons Tapped Out ned flanders

Task/Job List Time Earnings/Income Rate Requirements
Condemn Science 45s $2, 1xp
Shop At Kwik E Mart 1hr $75, 20xp
Power Walk 4h $200, 50xp Quest only
Emergency Bible Studies 8h $275, 75xp Level 6 Requirement
Attend Church 12h $350, 100xp First Church of Springfield
Convert Inmates 24h $600, 150xp Springfield Penitentiary

Devil Flanders

The Devil Flanders is obtained after you have built the Super Collider. You must also finish the 6 artifact quest prior to that to be able to unlock this Devil Flanders Costume.

The Simpsons Tapped Out - Devil Flanders

Task/Job List Time Earnings/Income Rate Requirements
Show his Wrath 60 Minutes 1 Treat, 17XP
Check in with the Minions 4h 1 Treat, 45XP
Emergency Satanic Bible Study 8h 1 Treat, 70XP
Sign up New ‘Clients’ 12h 1 Treat, 100XP
Inspect the Hell Labs 24h 1 Treat, 150XP
  • jenn

    Does Devil Flanders show up *immediately* after the Super Collider is built and you place the black hole? Just before I placed the black hole Tapped Out had me send Homer on a 24 hour quest, and I’m not sure if that was a screw up and he’s holding up Devil Flanders.

    I’m just kind of waiting with no outstanding quests other than Homer’s….

  • Teebra


  • LoveDoe91

    I think after we finish SIX (6) mini quests, it will unlock cause I placed the black hole an it told me to send ANY KID TRICK OR TREATING then KANG started flying around! I’m waiting to see what happens. I’m not investing in real money!
    Swaggin91-add me I’m always playing

    Add NCIS73 too he’s always playing!

    Happy 420!

  • Nick 24

    Tip if you can’t get Devil Flanders: Flanders was “stuck” on my game so I had to tuck his whole house into inventory, then replace it, then the devil flanders stuff started happening.

  • John

    If you want ten free dounts here is it you make homer play my pad then tapped him 10 times then 10 free dounts and a cool free new Stuart