The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Radioactive Man Billboard


Radioactive Man Billboard was released on July 16 2013 along with a couple of other items relating to Radioactive Man. The update for the arrival for these items were streamed into Tapped Out cities and did not require the player to update their app version on the device.

This item is a decoration and can be found in the decorations section of your game. This decoration specifically is a premium item which means it requires you to use donuts to purchase into your game.

0.75% bonus money and XP to all Jobs

The Simpsons Tapped Out – Radioactive Man Billboard

Release Date:
July 16 2013

Buying Price:
30The Simpsons Tapped Out – Donuts


VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Value
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Item Information

You can  buy the decoration into your city for 30The Simpsons Tapped Out – Donuts from the decoration section of the game. Like most decoration, they may have special uses for certain characters in your game that may give them extra quests, however, there is no documentation of the quests it  may unlock now or in the future.

Quests may be added by the developers in the future.

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