The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Super Collider


The Super Collider Building is unlocked after you have successfully unlocked all the artifacts in your Tapped Out city and released Mayan God. You will be challenged to a number of quests in which you will need to pass then professor Frink will tell Lisa to build the Super Collider.

Requires: Level 5, The Black Hole Pt. 1

Tapped Out - Super Collider

First Release: Oct 4 2012

Buying Price: 50 Treats

Earns: 150 Cash 13XP

Every 8H

Build Time: 8 Hours

The building cost 50 Treats.

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  • simpsons tapped out time warp

  2 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Super Collider”

  1. That’s Professor Frink, you mong!

  2. So if I didn’t start playing till after the Halloween event it’s it possible to unlock some of those buildings? Bc the black hole and cemetery look pretty awesome

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