The Simpsons: Tapped Out – The Rich Texan


The Rich Texan is an premium character released on April 19 2013 during the Whacking Day event for your Tapped Out city.  You need to ensure that you have the update which should unlock other “Whacking Day event items” in the game if the event has not expired. If it has you will only be able to see this character.

This character is a premium character which means you can only get this character using donuts. That is the only way to get this character, there is no other way to get this character except for using donuts in the game.

This character’s jobs earn 50% more money and XP.

The Simpsons Tapped Out The Rich Texan

Release Date:
April 19 2013

Buying Price: 85 Donuts

Character Category:


This character’s jobs earn 50% more money and XP and can only be purchased using premium currency. Like noted, this character cannot be purchased using cash but only using premium donuts in the game. He cost 85 donuts and is available for purchase when you’ve reached that amount when you’ve purchased enough donuts for your game.

He has a job list like normal characters and is a great addition to anyone’s Tapped Out city!

Job List 

Task/Job List Time Earnings/Income Rates Requirements
60 minutes
2 hours  110 Cash, 27 XP
3 hours
4 hours 175 Cash, 45 XP
8 hours 275 Cash, 70 XP
12 hours 420 Cash, 100xp
24 hours 600 Cash, 150XP

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  • the Simpsons tapped out texan
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  One Response to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – The Rich Texan”

  1. Hi I am awsum

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