The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Town Hall


To get Town Hall in The Simpsons: Tapped Out you must be at least level 20 and have unlocked the Re-Elect Mayor Quimby Pt. 1 quest in your task book. If you have not unlocked the Re-Elect Mayor Quimby Pt. 1 then it is most likely that you have missed some quests along your journey. The person that actually initiates this quest is none other than Police Officer Chief Wiggum, while not directly because Lisa Simpson is the one that initiates it but only after Chief Wiggum completes his quest of accepting 3 bribes at the Springfield Downs. Once you have completed the 3 bribe quest for Chief Wiggum, Lisa will feel insecure with the city and after a few discussion within the Simpsons family, you will be able to purchase the Town Hall as well as completing the quest Re-Elect Mayor Quimby Pt. 1.

The Simpsons Tapped Out Town Hall

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  4 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Town Hall”

  1. How can I get the officer task to take bribes?
    I have the race track…

  2. I have reached level 21 but it still has not unlock the mayor part I am wondering why

  3. I’ve been flying through the quest and it still took until level 23 to complete the take bribes quest so keep pushing through.

  4. I have completed the task of make Wiggum accept bribes three times but nothing has happened no on level 30

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