The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Volcano Lair


The Volcano Lair in The Simpsons: Tapped Out is the largest building in the entire game.  It is essential a huge volcano laboratory that can open it’s roof and side to launch out some sort of ray projector. To get the Volcano Lair in The Simpsons: Tapped Out you are required to use: 200 Donuts for the purchase and that will buy you the building. Once you purchase the building it takes 6 seconds for it to be built and once it is built you will also receive the character Hank Scorpio which is classified as a villain in the character collection section of Tapped Out. Aside from earning money from Hank Scorpio’s daily jobs you also earn money from the Volcano Lair itself, you will earn 500 cash and 50 xp every 24 hours giving you quite a bit of time to do other things as you wait for tons of money to roll in at the end of the day.

The Simpsons Tapped Out Volcano Lair

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  • simpsons tapped out unlimited donuts
  • best building to buy with 200 donuts simpsons tapped out
  • simpsons tapped out hank scorpio
  • tapped out volcano lair

  3 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Volcano Lair”

  1. this is an awesome game but it keeps on deleting my stuff so i have to do the game over in over again so i want the cheat

  2. Do do u gt the cheat

  3. IMO being the most expensive item you’d think would have some great perks right?

    WRONG. This thing is a GIANT waste of donuts, Hank Scorpio doesn’t talk, the Secret Lair Volcano’s weapon just moves back and forth, it honestly should shoot something.

    EXTREMELY disapointed in this item.

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