The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Wiggum


Wiggum, is better known as Police Chief Officer Wiggum, he is Chief Officer at the Police Station commanding and leading the Springfield police to protecting your Springfield town. Perhaps the the most well known description of Wiggum is an overweight officer in holding a donut and coffee in most pictures but you can be assured he does more than that.

The Simpsons Tapped Out - Wiggum

To unlock Wiggum you need to purchase the Police Station which can be unlocked at level 17 when you completed the quest the Miranda Rights Pt. 1. When you unlock Wiggum’s quest for Tapped Out you will notice that his last 24 hour job is quite a unique one. It is the Stake Out quest, where he dresses up as a women in pink, yes a pink women Wiggum walking around the streets that makes him look like hes in a dress. Perhaps the most important thing about Wiggum is that by unlocking Wiggum you can complete the quest required for the level 20 character, Mayor Quimby. Without Wiggum, you can almost never get the quest for to build the Town Hall for Mayor Quimby.

Task/Job List Time Earnings/Income rate Requirements
Trip to Lard Lad 5m $10, 2XP Lard Lad Donuts
Eat at Krusty Burger 30m $35, 10XP
Eat at Gulp ‘N’ Blow 60m $75, 20XP
Collect Bribes 4 Hours $200, 50XP
Nap in the S.W.A.T. Van 6 Hours $250, 60XP
Patrol Springfield 8 Hours $275, 75XP
Attend Church 12 Hours $350, 100XP
Go on a Stake Out 24 Hours $600, 150XP

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  • chief wiggum tapped out
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