The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Wiggum House


The Wiggum House in The Simpsons: Tapped Out is a building you can purchase for your Tapped Out city. This building was made available to players on February 21th 2013. The building does not come with any special characters and costs 175,000 cash.

Requires: Level 26, This Little Wiggy Pt. 1

Earns 200 Cash 20 XP
Every 12 hours

The Simpsons Tapped Out – Wiggum House

Release Date:
February 21 2013

Building Type:
Character: Ralph
Buying Price: 175,000
Build Time: 24 hours

How to get Wiggum House

To get the Wiggum House you must first understand that they are all locked by quest and you need to complete everything in order to unlock Wiggum House and make it available for purchase. You cannot “choose” which quests you do first but if you have been completing all your quests you know that it doesn’t really matter.

Keep in mind that “premium” character quests will not advance the story in your game to help you unlock buildings. You need to complete all quests available until you get the buildings unlocked. So just continue doing quests until they are unlocked.

  • You need to complete Smithers Quests
  • Then Seymore will ask you to build the Wiggum House.


At the time of this writing the Wiggum House cost 175,000 cash but can decrease depending on the developer’s decisions


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  • how much does wiggum house cost
  • tapped out wiggum house

  3 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Wiggum House”

  1. 175k I can barely afford 20k

  2. And I’m a level 14

  3. Any one having issues with loosing EP’s and snake points?
    My EP’s keep going back to around 6744 points each time I go out of the game or visit alternative Springfield / friends

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