The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Willie


Willie is better known as Groundskeeper Willie in the Simpsons for his activities taking care of the children in the Springfield Elementary. Willie is more or less the janitor of the school and does all the cleaning for the school. Willie can be easily be distinguished by his thick Scottish accent which has made him popular in many episodes including playing the Scottish pipes and music.

The Simpsons Tapped Out - Willie

In The Simpsons: Tapped Out, Willie makes a return when children have been creating a mess at your Springfield Elementary. You will be asked to build the Willie’s Shack, a small dorm that looks similar to 4 wooden boards put together and can be placed just about anywhere. Upon building Willie’s Shack, Willie with join your Tapped Out town helping you clean up the mess at the elementary as well as showcasing his music talent on the street. You will find that most of Willie’s jobs are related to cleaning the school such as raking leaves or waxing the floor, he will say “Oh Willie Likes that” when you have selected one of those tasks and often they give quite good income and money for your Tapped Out city.

Task/Job List Time Earnings/Income Rate Requirements
Play the Bagpipes 1 Hour $75, 20xp
Work on Manifesto 4 Hours $200, 50xp
Haggis Time! 8 Hours $275, 75xp
Rake leaves 12 Hours $350, 100xp
Wax the Floors 24 Hours $600, 150xp

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  • haggis time willie what is haggis
  • simpsons willie haggis
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  • what is haggis time on the simpsons
  • what is haggis time simpsons

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