The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Wolfcastle’s Mansion


Wolfcastle’s Mansion was released on July 16 2013 along with a couple of other items relating to Radioactive Man. The update for the arrival for these items were streamed into Tapped Out cities and did not require the player to update their app version on the device.

Reach level 31

Start the “Celeb-o-mania Pt 1″ quest

Every 8h earns 135 cash 15 XP

The Simpsons Tapped Out – Wolfcastle's Mansion

Release Date:
July 16 2013

Buying Price:
343,500 cash

Build Time: 1 Day 12 Hours

Characters:  Wolfcastle


VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Value
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Item Information

  • To unlock this building in your game, you need to talk to Mayor Quimby in the game.
  • He will have dialogues with Mr. Burns and Smithers
  • You will eventually be able to start Celeb-o-mania Pt. 1
  • You will have access to this item once you start the quest.

The building cost 343,500 cash but keep in mind that as the game progresses, the developers tend to lower prices (which we do not document). The initial price of obtaining the building is almost never recommended until developers fix a price where it’s fair throughout the cycle of the game.

So wait till the price drops before buying expensive over valued buildings!

What character does it come with?

Once you build this building, it will take 24 hours for the building to build. When it’s finished you will get Wolfcastle into your Tapped Out city.


Buying this building completes Celeb-o-mania Pt. 1″

This page is about...

  • celeb-o-mania quest
  • simpsons tapped out wolfcastle mansion
  • the price for wolfcastles mansion changed?

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