Oct 062012

Looks like Tiny Monsters has just updated with another Shadow Hybrid (Darkbolt Monster) for those players above level 26 to see in their mountaintop. That being said, we are aware that players are able to breed the Shadow Monster before level 26 but there is no way to place the monster into a Shadow Habitat because you can’t buy one.

Tiny Monsters Darkbolt Monster

The Darkbolt is actually quite a powerful and interesting name, and the animal that represents this cool name is a Kangaroo! That’s right it is a Kangaroo combining the elements of Shadow and Electric to create this volt jumping monster.

How to breed Darkbolt Monster

To breed the Darkbolt Monster you need to ensure that you already have a Shadow Monster in your Tiny Monsters mountaintop. The Shadow Monster must already have its own habitat so you can use him for breeding! The egg doesn’t count! Once you have the Shadow Monster, make sure you also have an Electric Monster and that they are both level 5+.

Select your breeding den then select the Shadow Monster and then select the Electric Monster, breed them together and look for a 10 hours breeding process. You may have a chance at getting the Darkbolt Monster or you can also have a chance at getting the Flicker Monster depending on your luck.

After you have bred one of these Darkbolt Monsters, you can place it into your Electric or Shadow Habitat.

For new players, keep in mind that breeding the dragon left or right does not matter. The level of your breeding monster also does not matter, it is up to your game to give you this monster.

Tiny Monsters Darkbolt Monster Egg

Tiny Monsters Darkbolt Monster Egg