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The Darkscale Monster is now available in your Tiny Monsters game. The monster itself looks very similar to a certain Pokemon and well the name is just cool. Well now that we look more at the Pokemon, it may not look that similar since it’s much more detailed with this monster.

Tiny Monsters Darkscale Monster

If you’re wondering which Pokemon we’re talking about then it’s Kabuto. In baby form it looks extremely similar to that creature and it’s the only thing one could think of it they have extensive experience with collecting “creatures” in games like this one.

Alright we actually know the animal this Darkscale is suppose to represent and it’s the “pillbug”. If you don’t know what that is, then do not look it up. That’s right we highly recommend you not to search for it, especially in the pictures section of your search engine. You just might not want to have dinner or launch.

How to breed Darkscale Monster (Learn more)

There are always some things you’re better off not knowing. Like this creature and how it looks like in real life. While others things like how to breed this monster is something you must know!

If you want to breed the Darkscale Monste rthen you must have the Shadow Monster already in hand. Once you have the Shadow Monster, select the Shadow Monster in the breeding den along with the Earth Monster.

This will give you a chance at getting the Darkscale Monster in your Tiny Monsters game. The breed time is 18 hours so be sure to look for that breeding time.

Learn more about the Darkscale Monster in Tiny Monsters

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