Oct 112012

Tiny Monsters players using an Apple device finally gets their game updated with version 1.8 in the App Store. The update is quite an interesting one because it brings one of the most important buildings to the game. We’ve wanted this building for a very very very long time and having it will certainly help players expand their game.

Tiny Monsters icon

You’re probably wondering, what’s this building and all the excitement about? Well for players to simply do not have space to place their new born monsters then this building it’s definitely a must have. It is the Halls of Champions.

About Halls of Champions

The Halls of Champions is a building in Tiny Monsters that allows you to store your monsters in the building. Essentially, it’s a storage building. Veteran players probably ran out of space long ago, and daily players probably need more space for more monsters. This building allows you to do that. Store your monsters, however there’s a catch.

The catch for this building is you must level your monsters to level 10 before you can store them. Yes, there are limitations but we’re happy the building exists, it’s not easy keeping a mountain full of monsters. You can buy the building for 1,000,000 after updating to version 1.8 for iOS players.

Tiny Monsters Halls of Champions Screenshot

We assume when the Android version gets updated they will also include this building.

For iOS players, you can now change your devices from other devices through an in-game menu.

What’s New in Version 1.8

★ Habitats full? Send your level 10 monsters to the glorious NEW Hall of Champions, making space for even MORE monsters!!
★ Got a shiny new device? Restore your game today, right from the Options menu!

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