Tiny Monsters: Beginner’s Guide
Beginning Tiny Monsters isn’t a difficult process – especially if you played DragonVale but there are elements in Tiny Monsters new creating a fresh experience for players. If you are absolutely new to the games of breeding and building parks/islands/zoos or whatever you want to call it then let us guide you. We will talk about some of the very basic elements of playing this game to the in-depth “pro” players that are well known in the game.
The very first thing and probably the most important thing to mention about Tiny Monsters by TinyCo is that your game as of version 1.0.2 cannot be reset. That is correct, if you started your game already then it is vital to make your way through the game correct or you may need to purchase a new device. That being said, let’s begin Tiny Monsters by understanding the basics.
There are three currencies in Tiny Monsters, coins, blue diamonds, and good. These currencies are used to supply your park with monsters and used to feed your monster or speed up their “processing time”.
Silver Coins
Whatever you want to call the coins but they look like this . These coins are used to purchase some of the most basic elemental creatures and you can obtain them throughout the game by waiting for your monster’s habitat to fill up with these coins. Each set of monster has different earning rates that will be gained in your habitat as time passes by.
Blue Diamond
Blue Diamonds are the crystal like diamond like things that you use when you want to do something “special”. For example, you can speed up your egg’s hatching process, buy special items, and even buy creatures that you find difficult to breed. That being said these blue diamonds are definitely the premium currency in Tiny Monsters.
Blue Diamonds can be obtained through completing quests and just playing the game but you won’t get a huge amount. The best possible way to get blue diamonds in Tiny Monsters is to buy them through the Tiny Monsters store.
Food is what you feed your monsters in Tiny Monsters. You can gain food by using your farm and planting various crops which will eventually become food in your island. You feed your monsters food because they will evolve and earn you more income [Money].
The big portion to any breeding game is their dragons- I mean monsters, well not exactly but creatures. Anyways in Tiny Monsters they are Monsters. You will be breeding and hatching cool monsters into your mountain top island where they will do crazy funny and unique animations making it absolutely amazing. There are 7 core elements in Tiny Monsters and that will be listed below.
Fire Monsters [Fire Element]
Earth Monsters [Earth Element]
Plant Monsters [Plant Element]
Ice Monsters [Ice Element]
Electric Monsters [Electric Element]
Water Monsters [Water Element]
Air Monsters [Air Element]
Special Monsters [Special Element]
The special monsters are probably the only section that needs explaining, the rest are pretty self-explanatory to their element. The monster that everyone is looking to find and breed is the legendary monster. This legendary monster is the rarest of all monsters and some even believe that there is only a limited amount of special ways to get this legendary monster. TinyCo has made it clear that this monster won’t be easy to find but who knows, it may be hidden under the next rock or tree you chop down.
We won’t spoil the fun for you so have fun finding the legendary monster in your Tiny Monsters Island. However there are hints on how to get it deep within our legendary monster section.
What are habitats in Tiny Monsters? Habitats are basically homes of the monster you are trying to breed; of course it has to match the element. There are a total of 7 different elemental habitats and a special one of course. For example, a fire monster can only go into a fire habitat, but if you have a flower monster [fire + plant] you may place the flower monster either on the plant habitat or the fire habitat.
Evolving Monster, or Monster Evolution?
In Tiny Monsters to evolve your monster, you must “Tuck In” the monster in the dreaming room and wait for him to “sleep” then wake up evolved as a Teen or an Adult.
You can tuck in your Tiny Monsters monsters at level 5 and level 8. There is a wait time for the tuck in so sit tight.
These are probably the most important things you need to know when starting Tiny Monsters so hope this has helped you and begin your adventure in Tiny Monsters!
Rebekah Roe
Rebekah Roe
Ashley Martin
Country Gal
Rebekah Roe