Tiny Monsters: Gift Monster


The Gift Monster in Tiny Monster was introduced on November 23 2012 as part of Tiny Monsters Christmas holiday monster and is only available for a limited time.

If you haven’t seen the Monster then know that it features a funny design covered with a  green and red gift box. This monster only has one single element, which is ice, so players are expected to use a special pair of combination to get this monster into their mountaintop!

“Historians are tight-lipped about the Gift Monster, whose final form cannot be found on record-but scholars theorize that the Monster can be evolved out of its box in an atmosphere of great Holiday Cheer.” Game Description

Tiny Monsters Ice Element

Tiny Monsters Gift Monster Baby

Release Date: Nov 20, 2012

Breeding Time: 13 Hours

Hatching Time: 13 Hours
Selling Price:  4875Tiny Monsters - Coins
Habitat: Ice
Unlock Level: ==


 Tuck In Time: 7 Hours

 Tuck In Time:

Also See:

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 3.1/5 (3 votes cast)

Tiny Monsters: Key Features

  • Christmas Present is here!
  • Gift Box Design!
  • Ice Elements
  • Ice Habitat placement
  • 13hours breeding/ hatching time

Gift Monster breeding guide

The monster is a Ice element monster. To breed the monster, you need to use an Ice Hybrid monster with any monster or another ice hybrid monster.

Monster combinations like Ice Monster + Silk Monster

The breeding time is 13 hours and you’ll get a Green and Red egg that looks like a gift egg. You can place the gift monster into any Ice habitat.

Keep in mind the breeding left or right does not matter, it takes time to breed certain monster and it is up to your game to be able to breed for this Gift Monster. The Level of your monster also does not matter.

Gift Monster Evolution

If you want to evolve your Gift Monster then be sure to level your Gift Monster to level 5 for a teen Gift Monster then level the Gift Monster to level 8 for the adult form.

Gift Monster Earnings

Level Earnings
Level 1 7Tiny Monsters - Coins Level 6  31
Level 2  7 Level 7  33
Level 3  16 Level 8
Level 4  26 Level 9
Level 5  28 Level 10


Gift Monster Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Level Food
Level 1  20 Level 6  125
Level 2  45 Level 7  145
Level 3  65 Level 8
Level 4  85 Level 9
Level 5  105 Level 10 Tiny Monsters -Food

Tiny Monsters  Evolution Pictures

Egg Baby
Tiny Monsters Gift Monster Egg Tiny Monsters Gift Monster Baby
Teen Adult #1
Tiny Monsters Gift Monster Adult #1
Adult #2  Adult #3
Tiny Monsters Gift Monster Adult #1 Snowman  Tiny Monsters Gift Monster Adult #3 wampa


Breeding Videos

Teen Evolution

This page is about...

  • tiny monsters gift monster
  • gift monster in tiny monster

  21 Responses to “Tiny Monsters: Gift Monster”

  1. ice + silk both lvl 10 got it.

  2. Ice and frostember got it on the second try

  3. I got mine breeding frostember and freeze. Got it 10th try. How to open the box though, I wonder? Maybe anyone knows?

  4. I used frost and ice and now they're in the breeding den.Its 12hrs and 59mns. *fingers crossed*

  5. I cant get it i used ice and frostember and got 3 ice and mystic ice and when i ise ice and otger hybrids i jus get ice or that monster

  6. Frostember and silk botnet first try and a mystic too… wife still won’t talk to me :-X kinda think the blue pace with white bow is pretty blah hope the monsters cool at least. Now to get her one :-X

  7. Frostember and silk both lvl 10 got the gift! Thanks for the help! My niece is made at me now.

  8. Frostember and silk lvl 10 on both gave me the gift. Thanks for the help! My niece is mad at me now. She tried with lower lvl but didn’t get it.

  9. I got the mythic gift monster.

  10. I have tried many times and I can not raise him is a rare monsters

  11. Just breed Ice lvl 10 and Silk lvl 7 and got a 13 hour timer first try after reading the comments. I hope it is the Gift Monster!

  12. Try silk and frost I got it on my first try. XD

  13. Ice+Ice

    Try all of these 1-3 times I have 7 gift monsters because of these!

  14. My gift monster won’t level past 7. Says max level and won’t let me feed him. Is this normal?

  15. Ice+tundra got it on first try and I’ve tried bredding them for the holly monster, but I keep getting the gift monster..so far I have three

  16. think i hit a glitch cos just bred 4 mythic ice monsters in 5 minutes with an empty mythic cave!!

  17. My gift monster fully evolved and out of box, but no credit for completing the quest. Quest still there like its uncompleted, and my gift is level 10 out of box?

  18. Tundra x Holly. I tried most of the above combos but kept getting Ice monsters.
    Try this combination if the others don’t work.

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